"I put money that if a very famous "white" quarterback did the same shit, the white community would welcome him back with open arms." typical black thing to say
but for the most part i think ppl have forgave vick, i know i want ppl to get of his back, guy made a mistake, he did his time, get off his back
and he spent 2 years in jail, and realizes it was a mistake, 2 years in jail is a hell of a long time, and b4 you say again that he should still be in there, thats what the justice system says, hell we have ppl in prison for fucking weed, and ppl who rape and child molest multiple kids can be out in 9 years, what he did was horrible no doubt, but he served his time, just let the mother fucker live his life
fighting them is bad enough, but what he did to them was horrible, and there is no excuse, im just saying that after like 4 fucking years, im sick of ppl bitching about him, hell im sick of ppl bitching about tiger
an animal abuser is an animal abuser
he just happens to be a fuckin black guy
but for the most part i think ppl have forgave vick, i know i want ppl to get of his back, guy made a mistake, he did his time, get off his back
never will he hear the end of it from people
a mistake is sending a text to the wrong person
this bitch had no respect for animals
beat them. tortured them. killed them
in the worst fucking way possible
putting two dogs against each other to fight to the death
betting on fights
either you dont and need to find out
OR you do and just heartless towards it and defending a "brotha"
stfu and gtfo with that biased bullshit
it doesnt work that way
i honestly hope he gets so much scrutiny from it that he just goes into fuckin hiding
its all fucked up and i know from first hand experience
so dont preach to me
either way i wouldnt care the slightest if he killed himself or if someone just happen to "accidently" bump into him with a large pointed object
so has everyone
and frankly i dont give a shit what youve been through
doesnt change anything
he didnt kill anything
he cheated on his wife which was part of the territory of being a celebrity
stop talking rex