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Pentagon plans $60 billion weapons sale to Saudi Arabia



  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    " He's not qualified to be president of the Kiwanis club much less the USA. "

    this is what i was saying when he was running. he's just proving it. Too bad because we really need someone who can fix the problems and not throw money at things, hoping it will go away
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    " He's not qualified to be president of the Kiwanis club much less the USA. "

    this is what i was saying when he was running. he's just proving it. Too bad because we really need someone who can fix the problems and not throw money at things, hoping it will go away
    Because of course Sarah Palin was a qualified Vice President. It strikes me that being a Senator and a graduate of Harvard means you're not qualified. As far as money being thrown around, how do you think FDR got the US out of the depression?
    I think it's really interesting that the Obama administration would try and sneak this through while Congress is in recess for the upcoming elections. Does anybody else feel lied to? This sale will only inflame others in that region.........I fear that the US will never get out of the Middle East. Such a shame too as that was part of Obama's election get us out of the Middle East.
    Obama's election platform was to get the troops out of Iraq, and even that is tough because the US army doesn't just pack up and leave in a day. I don't feel lied to, because the truth has been told, weapons are being sold to Saudi Arabi, I'm not sure where exactly the lies are.

    Isn't Iraq in the Middle East?
    Why is the Obama administration trying to pull thiss while Congress is in recess? Seems sketchy and underhanded to me.

    I feel lied to and deceived. Why can't he just do what he said he would? Fix the economy (yes, I knew that was an impossibility when he said it), create some jobs (and not just in government, Fedzilla is big enough), do something to help Social Security ( no cost of living increase this year, even though medications have gone up an average of 8%). Seems to me all he has done is point at George W. Bush and pass an unconstitutional healthcare bill (I fully expect it to be repealed before it's mandatory date of 2014). He's not qualified to be president of the Kiwanis club much less the USA.

    Yes, Iraq is in the Middle East, but his plan was to get the troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan where Bin Laden might actually be. The Obama administration isn't pulling anything while the Congress is in recess. Again, it strikes me everyone blames Obama for the crisis, because of course nothing has to get passed by Congress. Jobs were in fact created, just not enough to please the hard Conservatives. Social Security is currently a lost cause with the debt to China, the US just doesn't have enough money to raise Social Security while they owe trillions. I think Obama has done a little bit more with his time than pointing fingers, after all he did get the Health Care Bill passed. It's been 2 whole years, give the man (and Congress!) some time.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Fuck Nobama squarely in his ass. He's lied since before the election. He was involved with the whole Rod Blagovich selling a Senate seat fiasco here in Illinois but the Feds put a stop to him having to testify. His cronies here in Illinois are convicted felons and liars. Blago-convicted felon, Alexi Ginnoulias-liar, thief, associates with and made loans to convicted mobsters, George Ryan-former governor that helped Obama get elected to Senate and convicted felon. Obama was associated with ACORN, an organization which registered deceased voters so they could cast absentee ballots for Obama.
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    Fuck Nobama squarely in his ass. He's lied since before the election. He was involved with the whole Rod Blagovich selling a Senate seat fiasco here in Illinois but the Feds put a stop to him having to testify. His cronies here in Illinois are convicted felons and liars. Blago-convicted felon, Alexi Ginnoulias-liar, thief, associates with and made loans to convicted mobsters, George Ryan-former governor that helped Obama get elected to Senate and convicted felon. Obama was associated with ACORN, an organization which registered deceased voters so they could cast absentee ballots for Obama.
    Not sure what this has to do with what I just said, but I will tackle this as well. Obama was involved with ACORN because it was helping people, of course he didn't know just one of the stations was helping women to become prostitutes. There is a reason why he shut it down, if he was so hell bent on it he would've kept it running. I guess the people that donated to Bono's charity are at fault because Bono took their money. I have no idea what you are talking about with his senate campaign, you must have found that info on the same site that says Hawaii wasn't a state when Obama was born there. Probably Glenn Beck's website.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    I live here in Illinois and have read the newspapers here. That's where my info is coming from. Obama did NOT shut anything down. One, he was never in a position to do so and two, the group is still active. As far as the Senate campaign is concerned, I am a registered voter in Illinois and paid attention to the campaign and the endorsements he rec'd from then governor George Ryan, who at the time was under federal indictment. I'm not sure why Bono was brought up as I never mentioned anything about him. You seem to beleive that I have no knowledge of my surroundings by suggesting that I would associate myself with anything Glenn Beck has to say. Do you live here in Illinois?
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    I live here in Illinois and have read the newspapers here. That's where my info is coming from. Obama did NOT shut anything down. One, he was never in a position to do so and two, the group is still active. As far as the Senate campaign is concerned, I am a registered voter in Illinois and paid attention to the campaign and the endorsements he rec'd from then governor George Ryan, who at the time was under federal indictment. I'm not sure why Bono was brought up as I never mentioned anything about him. You seem to beleive that I have no knowledge of my surroundings by suggesting that I would associate myself with anything Glenn Beck has to say. Do you live here in Illinois?
    I enjoy when something bad happens everyone blames Obama, but when something good happens, the Republicans did it!! With that said, ACORN is currently defunct and under a different name, COI (Community Organizations International). I do not live in IL, but since you read news papers and get your sources from them, and you claim all of this happened to Obama, lets see that proof! Oh, and the Bono scenario was used as an analogy, since you didn't pick up on that.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    you people do realize that a lot of the equipment being sold is outdated and being phased out anyways. they aren't selling our cutting edge military technology.
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    you people do realize that a lot of the equipment being sold is outdated and being phased out anyways. they aren't selling our cutting edge military technology.
    Good point, there's no use on keeping outdated equipment. Even if/when the US gets into a war with Saudi Arabia over whatever, they won't be fighting back with top military technology. Either way if a country has the money they will buy weapons, more than likely from Belarus.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Here's one......from ABC news April 23, 2010:

    Disgraced Democratic former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich filed a legal motion Thursday asking for President Obama to testify at the former governor’s corruption trial, and as befitting so much of the world of Blago, the legal papers had a glitch -- though parts were redacted, the simple act of cutting and pasting the brief un-redacted the blacked-out portions.

    You can read the motion HERE at the Chicago Sun-Times website. The glitch was first revealed by CAPITOL FAX.

    White House officials declined to comment on the motion to subpoena the president -- redacted or un-redacted -- saying it's policy to not comment on a pending criminal proceeding. Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3.

    In the un-redacted portion, Blagojevich’s attorneys assert that “President Obama has direct knowledge to allegations made in the indictment. In addition, President Obama’s public statements contradict other witness statements..."

    This demonstrates that he knew of the attempts to sell his former Senate seat.

    As far as ACORN can check out their are very much alive and kicking.

  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited October 2010
    this acorn bullshit again....... all that shit was volunteers trying to keep their jobs by making fictitious names on ballets cause they weren't hitting their quotas. not that it made any differance whatsoever cause those people never existed and hence couldn't show up to the polls to vote...
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    Here's one......from ABC news April 23, 2010:

    Disgraced Democratic former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich filed a legal motion Thursday asking for President Obama to testify at the former governor’s corruption trial, and as befitting so much of the world of Blago, the legal papers had a glitch -- though parts were redacted, the simple act of cutting and pasting the brief un-redacted the blacked-out portions.

    You can read the motion HERE at the Chicago Sun-Times website. The glitch was first revealed by CAPITOL FAX.

    White House officials declined to comment on the motion to subpoena the president -- redacted or un-redacted -- saying it's policy to not comment on a pending criminal proceeding. Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3.

    In the un-redacted portion, Blagojevich’s attorneys assert that “President Obama has direct knowledge to allegations made in the indictment. In addition, President Obama’s public statements contradict other witness statements..."

    This demonstrates that he knew of the attempts to sell his former Senate seat.

    As far as ACORN can check out their are very much alive and kicking.

    All that says is that Obama was asked to testify, not that he actually did and that he is aware of what happened, that is all. As for ACORN, there is a, I guess that means he is still alive and kicking.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Now you are acting like the other asshurt liberals. Don't be so obtuse and pay attention. In a RICO style case like Blago's, knowledge of the crime(s) makes you just as complicit. The feds stopped the subpoenas and motions for Obama to testify. If you are going to be so stubborn about whether or not ACORN still exists then it seems pointless to attempt an intelligent conversation with you. Good luck in November to you and the rest of the Dems.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited October 2010
    Good luck in November to you and the rest of the Dems.
    you do realize that even if the repubs gain sweeping wins its not going make a difference in fact its only going to get even less done. neither side is going to have the numbers to pass anything without support of the other so for the next 2 years the congress is going to be in deadlock with absolutely nothing getting done.
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    Now you are acting like the other asshurt liberals. Don't be so obtuse and pay attention. In a RICO style case like Blago's, knowledge of the crime(s) makes you just as complicit. The feds stopped the subpoenas and motions for Obama to testify. If you are going to be so stubborn about whether or not ACORN still exists then it seems pointless to attempt an intelligent conversation with you. Good luck in November to you and the rest of the Dems.
    Number one I'm not asshurt, trust me I won't lose one wink of sleep at night because I got into a silly political debate on the internet. Number two, I have read that article four times to thoroughly make sure I didn't miss anything. Still, it doesn't matter if ACORN exists or not, just read Shane's post, it really was no big deal. I'm not holding my breath in November, if you want witches and homophobics in political positions, go for it. I am trying to have an intelligent debate with you, but like your typical Conservative counterpart, when facts not opinions are put in front of you that suggest otherwise as far as your political standings, you write off the other guy and take your ball and go home.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Good luck in November to you and the rest of the Dems.
    you do realize that even if the repubs gain sweeping wins its not going make a difference in fact its only going to get even less done. neither side is going to have the numbers to pass anything with support of the other so for the next 2 years the congress is going to be in deadlock with absolutely nothing getting done.

    I absolutely understand that point Shaner. Things aren't getting done now so it shouldn't make that big of a difference right? Except that we won't have to listen to Nancy Pelosi's stupid comments or worry about further erosion of our constitutional rights.
    I feel the need to clarify my position on ANY politician......I feel that it is a prerequisite for any person with political aspiriations that they are a liar, thief, and criminal. None of them, no matter the party, are to be trusted.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Rammy, I may be a little slow on the uptake but I haven't seen any facts from you, just opinions and rhetoric derived from a headline or nightly news ad. If I'm wrong then show me. I'll admit when i'm wrong.
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    Rammy, I may be a little slow on the uptake but I haven't seen any facts from you, just opinions and rhetoric derived from a headline or nightly news ad. If I'm wrong then show me. I'll admit when i'm wrong.
    What facts would you like me to prove? When you give me scenario that I need to prove, give me some time, it's always a pain searching for certain articles on news websites.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Oh I understand that it's a pain. Prove to me that Obama was not complicit or involved in the Blago scandal. That's going to be an impossibility as a sitting president can't be compelled to testify in any trial. Prove to me that "Obama shut down ACORN". Again another impossibility as the organization still exists and is completely functional. Show me where Obama has actually done anything other than force Obamacare on this country, a law which is currently being challenged in several states, 23 at last count. That's almost half of the country that is not interested in forced healthcare. When you find the articles to back up your arguments I'd like for you to apply the same guidelines you've given me. No biased news agencies. Again another impossibility as every news agency has it's own political agenda.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    you people do realize that a lot of the equipment being sold is outdated and being phased out anyways. they aren't selling our cutting edge military technology.

    Sorry Shane, but they are getting "new" equipment. Some of it has yet to be produced.

    "The arms package includes 84 new F-15 fighter jets and upgrades to 70 more F-15s that the Saudis already have, as well as three types of helicopters: 70 Apaches, 72 Black Hawks and 36 Little Birds. Saudi Arabia would also get versions of a satellite-guided "smart bomb" system, plus anti-ship and anti-radar missiles.

    The deal could be completed over five to 10 years, depending on production schedules and training needed."
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