drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I get what you're saying, and I'm not trying to write off your opinion here, however, out of everything you mentioned, the only thing I'm interested in, is Music. At least, as far as a career, since I've considered getting back into Football as a hobby and to get back into shape, but I have absolutely no wish to make it to the NFL, or even college Football.
I'm not saying nothing else could peak my interest, I'm just saying I highly doubt it. I'm so focused on Music, and Music only, that nothing else even matters to me.
Not only that, but I have to have passion and put heart into it if I truly want it. The only thing I have said passion for, is Music, nothing else. I need passion for motivation. If I had no passion for Music, it'd just be something I occasionally did and I'd have no motivation to get better. But I think that's the exact reason I lost it a few weeks ago. I'm so devoted to getting better and making this my career, and I kept fucking up and felt like a failure.
It's not my opinion that it is unwise to limit your ability to be passionate, that's the truth. I nearly just went off onto an empiricism vs. rationalism tangent here, but that's the truth.
I'll leave it be, however, my advice to you is that having doubts about your own ability to be receptive to passion is more likely to lead you to sadness than anything else you claim will.
I wouldn't say I'm not receptive to be passionate about other things, but at the same time, I'm not going to force myself to be passionate about other things. I didn't force myself to love Music, it came naturally, from a very early age.
Also, this is the Drummer that will be teaching me's band. Pretty sick.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I wouldn't say I'm not receptive to be passionate about other things, but at the same time, I'm not going to force myself to be passionate about other things. I didn't force myself to love Music, it came naturally, from a very early age.
Also, this is the Drummer that will be teaching me's band. Pretty sick.
I'll leave it be, however, my advice to you is that having doubts about your own ability to be receptive to passion is more likely to lead you to sadness than anything else you claim will.
Also, this is the Drummer that will be teaching me's band. Pretty sick.
to US its a DEAD alien..to BEAR GRYLLS its a THREE piece MEAL full of VITAMIN C
I seriously need some weed so I can listen to this high.