no, im pretty sure the previous statement was already correct when he said ".88 crunch wrap taco bell!". the decimal point is in the correct spot. i would've used the facepalm emoticon but it doesn't work for me for some reason.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
im not mad lol. my response was also a joke (even though i believe my correction was correct). and someone else posted the same thing you did in another thread so i felt a correction was in order.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Cigarette smoking should be in the "Things the should be exterminated" thread.
i love smoking, but i'd quit if i had a good enough reason to. but i dont so im gonna enjoy it while i can.
I don't understand why people think they have the right to insult smokers and shit to their faces (and I mean in rl).
Yet it's socially unacceptable to yell at fat people "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING WILL KILL YOU, RIGHT?"
because with fat people their "fatness" is sometimes the effect of something they can't control (i.e.: disease or meds)
and with people who smoke they just decided to pick up a cig and cause problems for theirself.
But then again, some people are fat because they don't exercise or eat right, and not every fat person has diseases or medication that causes it (which reminds me, I need to get back on the treadmill...).
And some smokers may have depression or anxiety that they can't help, or it's the only thing that calms them down if they have a stressful life.
I totally see your point, I just think you can argue it both ways, y'know?
Love her
me in math smells like a fucking ashtray its nasty.
But you don't have to smoke to smell bad anyway, lol.
"How about a little clown action, huh?"
Yet it's socially unacceptable to yell at fat people "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING WILL KILL YOU, RIGHT?"
And some smokers may have depression or anxiety that they can't help, or it's the only thing that calms them down if they have a stressful life.
I totally see your point, I just think you can argue it both ways, y'know?