Wtf. If anything it sounded derogitory towards the Polish.
Yeah all he's saying is athletes are overvalued and overpaid and his country could be better served focusing on other professions. Not really a controversial opinion at all lol.
The picture was racist as fuck tho. Of course seb took issue with what was being said because he's SJW extraordinaire
So, in addition to the whole quitting my job thing.
My last day is July 3rd, and the start date for my next job isn't until Aug 6th, which means that I literally have a full month off to do whatever the hell I want. Be jealous.
shits the best. i saved up a lot from my last job beginning in jan when I had a sneaking suspicion id get canned and when I did i enjoyed 2 months off, almost to the day. they denied me my unemployment too, but I had plenty to chill with.
my new job pays even better but its super challenging for me so not that im saying i hope I get termed but... if I were to get fired in like late august or september.... I wouldnt even be mad lol.
Yeah I haven't had this much time off since right after I graduated college and couldn't find a job I liked lol
I honestly have been fucking miserable in my current role. I told my boss today that I was leaving and she was straight up like "yeah, you haven't been your normal self lately, I'm not surprised" but in an understanding sense. She's one of the best bosses I've had but the department we're in is horrible. I fucking hate auto insurance. And it's not like I even sold anything (fuck selling), it was just mindless and boring and I felt chained to my computer all day. But yeah, now I'll be working with retirement accounts again which is something I enjoy so it should be getting better. But I'm gonna enjoy this next month. Already got plans to travel a couple times.
insurance is woat. I could get a job at state farm tomorrow for 16/hr but no way in shit Id do that. its nearly pointless as well as mind numbing. id gladly take another warehouse job for 11/hr where I get to play music and cuss lol.
Lmao my buddy reminded me of this picture the other day. Eddie shortly after he fell at the drinking contest. He kept holding his crotch and couldn't speak and we were like "dude stop playing with yourself." The second he let go, he spurted. Guess it was his only way of keeping piss in
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Good thing because I’m burnt out and need a few days to myself.
My last day is July 3rd, and the start date for my next job isn't until Aug 6th, which means that I literally have a full month off to do whatever the hell I want. Be jealous.
my new job pays even better but its super challenging for me so not that im saying i hope I get termed but... if I were to get fired in like late august or september.... I wouldnt even be mad lol.
basically like getting a summer break
I honestly have been fucking miserable in my current role. I told my boss today that I was leaving and she was straight up like "yeah, you haven't been your normal self lately, I'm not surprised" but in an understanding sense. She's one of the best bosses I've had but the department we're in is horrible. I fucking hate auto insurance. And it's not like I even sold anything (fuck selling), it was just mindless and boring and I felt chained to my computer all day. But yeah, now I'll be working with retirement accounts again which is something I enjoy so it should be getting better. But I'm gonna enjoy this next month. Already got plans to travel a couple times.