Rex please grandstand the rest of us for taking the time to enjoy television in this meaningless existence
I didnt say anything about people watching tv. All i said is i dont have time to waste watching tv. If i have free time id rather play a game when i get the chance.
Nah but for real. I know it sounds stupid but if you stop watching tv for a while you really do see things differently. Its designed to keep you in line and make you less creative overall.
Nah but for real. I know it sounds stupid but if you stop watching tv for a while you really do see things differently. Its designed to keep you in line and make you less creative overall.
Dude I haven't watched tv in years aside from the occasional online show like game of thrones or house of cards and I have no ides wtf you're talking about
If you're referring to network tv I mean yeah it's literally meant to be cookie cutter cliche geared towards the cognitive intelligence of a 7th grader
Regardless i dont care if people watch tv. To me it doesnt really matter if its netflix or network tv..every time i sit down to watch something i feel like i could be doing something more fun/productive with my time. I just find it a waste.
Its just personal preference. Idk how we even got here all i was trying to say was that todd usually has shit taste in tv/movies. )
>is watching tv
But tv is designed to brainwash doe
If you're referring to network tv I mean yeah it's literally meant to be cookie cutter cliche geared towards the cognitive intelligence of a 7th grader
Its just personal preference. Idk how we even got here all i was trying to say was that todd usually has shit taste in tv/movies.