Korn has been "back" for like the past 3 albums. Except the the little detail that they still fucking suck
Except they really haven't been. Path Of Totality was a dubstep infused album and Paradigm Shift had too much electronic/dubstep meddling. It was so muddled. This is the first thing they have released since 2010 that's even hinting at an older sound. I'm not saying the new album is going to be Issues or Follow the Leader part 2 but compared to what they've been doing the last 5 years, this was pretty solid.
So I jus listened to a bunch of my old Metal favorites and I think it hit me why I don't fuck wit Metal anymore. There's of course the fact of, which I've said multiple times, the ignorant fuckin fanbase which started drifting me away way before I stopped fuckin wit the music. You got mfs like Slap which I'm cool wit who's preference is Metal but give all other genres a legitimate open ear, and then the others which are the majority who believe Metal is the only good music and everything else is immediately trash. And go beyond disliking the music to a full blown hate campaign which is pathetic.
But while listening to all this shit, it hit me. MUSICALLY, I still fuck wit a lot of this. And even to this date, I feel like Metal has influenced a lot of my current favorite artists. Mfs like Travi$ Scott and Tory Lanez who make aggressive hard hitting shit that makes you wanna riot. And also why I seek more musically complex artists in Hip Hop. But I think the main difference is my emotional mindstate. I was an angry ass kid. A very angry sad ass kid who wanted to lash out at the world and Metal was that perfect outlet. It entered my life at the right time. But now I'm happy. I have friends now, I get bitches, the money good, life is good. I have nothin to complain about. And so I can't relate to any of this anymore. Even if I fuck wit what's bein done musically, the vibe jus isn't there anymore. I wake up happy feelin like the man most days, what I listen to is a good soundtrack to that. Metal is not.
Yall find it funny and it became a sort of meme on here, but BMTH's TIAHBMISITIAHLKIAS is still one of the most influential albums of my entire life. Not even musically although there's that too. That album literally prevented me from killing myself and I prolly woulda went thru with it if it wasn't for that album. That was the most miserable point of my life and I'm forever grateful for that album. Still wanna get somethin tatted in tribute. But even thru that I simply can't casually listen to it anymore asides from moments like now, bein drunk and nostalgic. That mindset jus ain't there anymore. The impact was there because it was miserable music for miserable kids. And I was one of em.
Hip Hop is too gimmicky and Metal is too niche. Metal has been divided into a million different subgenres and thats why I think we're never gonna see a metal band as successful as Metallica or Maiden. It's also easier to appreciate these smaller, struggling bands that still make music for their small fan bases even though it's not really helping them financially, than it is to appreciate a rapper who brags about how much money he makes in every one of his songs.
when i roll in at 5 in the morn dude when im drunk as shit im slobbering all over myself and cant fuckin see straight enough to recongnize the fukking keypad to post anything
erik doing it wrong must be slightly tilted cohernt enuf to write an essay
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'll never understand when someone says "X band/song/album saved my life" or whatever along those lines. That person saved their own life. It may have taken a string of lyrics or something to put that through their head, but ultimately it's their doing.
yeah i remember in 2010 when they were touring Mayhem that's what III was being marketed as. that was 6 years ago
Yeah that's what they were aiming for but they tried too hard to make it "old school' that it had the opposite effect. Their weakest album imo. It was just such a basic rock album that you can drag and drop anywhere. There was nothing special or unique or aggressive about it like they were making it out to be. That's why I got so excited about this new song. This really sounds like a step in the right direction. And I'm not saying a band has to release the same materiel over and over but Korn has been experimenting with shit that's a 180 from what they usually do since See You On The Other Side came out in 2005.
Even as an overstatment, no you wouldn't.
But while listening to all this shit, it hit me. MUSICALLY, I still fuck wit a lot of this. And even to this date, I feel like Metal has influenced a lot of my current favorite artists. Mfs like Travi$ Scott and Tory Lanez who make aggressive hard hitting shit that makes you wanna riot. And also why I seek more musically complex artists in Hip Hop. But I think the main difference is my emotional mindstate. I was an angry ass kid. A very angry sad ass kid who wanted to lash out at the world and Metal was that perfect outlet. It entered my life at the right time. But now I'm happy. I have friends now, I get bitches, the money good, life is good. I have nothin to complain about. And so I can't relate to any of this anymore. Even if I fuck wit what's bein done musically, the vibe jus isn't there anymore. I wake up happy feelin like the man most days, what I listen to is a good soundtrack to that. Metal is not.
Yall find it funny and it became a sort of meme on here, but BMTH's TIAHBMISITIAHLKIAS is still one of the most influential albums of my entire life. Not even musically although there's that too. That album literally prevented me from killing myself and I prolly woulda went thru with it if it wasn't for that album. That was the most miserable point of my life and I'm forever grateful for that album. Still wanna get somethin tatted in tribute. But even thru that I simply can't casually listen to it anymore asides from moments like now, bein drunk and nostalgic. That mindset jus ain't there anymore. The impact was there because it was miserable music for miserable kids. And I was one of em.
erik doing it wrong must be slightly tilted cohernt enuf to write an essay
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Goddamn you pathetic. Get my dick out your mouth.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)