Been getting welding lessons from a buddy. Its always been a skill I wanted to pick up on. Laying down some fat beads son. Working on dat stack of dimes.
holy fuck. Randomly walked into a metal show. So fucking sick. Made my month. Def be back next year. All the dudes. in the bands were so chill. Won't forget this night.
fuck just found a free hot tub on craigslist :-?
.....with 5 chicks?
Get a big tub of popcorn
Cut a hole in the bottom
And let's the girls help themselves to the popcorn
No chicks this time.
do it with the guys anyway
and then have a soggy biscuit race...
Been getting welding lessons from a buddy. Its always been a skill I wanted to pick up on. Laying down some fat beads son. Working on dat stack of dimes.
Go alone and offer it to strangers.
day 1 of black sky ruled \m/ municipal waste fucked me up \m/
fuck MW sucks
MW > devildriver
Seriously doe they suck
nah best show i've been to this year. Stay pleb
holy fuck. Randomly walked into a metal show. So fucking sick. Made my month. Def be back next year. All the dudes. in the bands were so chill. Won't forget this night.
MW live show>
the last band busted out doomsayer, strength beyond strength, el loco, and roots bloody roots. \m/ \m/
day 2 of black sky complete \m/
Call Of The Void, Nausea, The Drip, and Phobia all fucking killed it. And of course Cattle Decapitation tore the place apart \m/
Floor was only like 1/2 full for Brutal Truth doe. Really disappointing but what can ya do.