Keeping it 100: that girl in the pic is beneath him. She's lucky to have someone as interesting as MC around to make her life less boring. If she can't see that then it's her loss. Always seek out people that appreciate you
FINALLY COPPED MY MAC. Ya boy comin up. \m/
Man I'm so fucking hype right now, can't believe it's actually finally in my possession up and running. Already working on a beat on it.
I feel proud, it's my first major investment since having a job, first thing I really saved up for.
Also why the fuck do y'all care so much about MC and FF's sex/love lives, or otherwise complete lack thereof.
FF is just a really awkward motherfucker and extremely beta but can still see the light.
MC is basically a self proclaimed loser who has accepted his fate and refuses to help himself or better himself. Why waste time putting in your 2 cents on someone who doesn't even give a shit about himself? Moving on.
Y'all need to go make some money and get some pussy. Care way too much about niggas on the internet.
Also why the fuck do y'all care so much about MC and FF's sex/love lives, or otherwise complete lack thereof.
FF is just a really awkward motherfucker and extremely beta but can still see the light.
MC is basically a self proclaimed loser who has accepted his fate and refuses to help himself or better himself. Why waste time putting in your 2 cents on someone who doesn't even give a shit about himself? Moving on.
Y'all need to go make some money and get some pussy. Care way too much about niggas on the internet.
Virgin unity, eh?
I'm not sure what we are supposed to discuss here anymore. Most of what I've contributed was trying to help out, so 0. IMO, It would be a huge win on MUs behalf if we band together to help our fellows achieve gush
Your apathy isnt going to help you nor will it help your depression go away. You know what you really want but are either in denial about or too big of a puss to go out and get it. Set some damn goals for yourself dude. Put some work in, lose 20 lbs. Clean your diet up and lift a weight or two. Take some jui jitsu classes. Go out and do something.... anything. The perfect girl for you (if their is such a thing) isnt gonna fall into you lap while you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. And even if she did, what would she find? You've got to have a life before you can even think about sharing it with someone else. People are capable of amazing things if they set themselves to it, yet some people are afraid really put effort into anything, yet bitch about their life as they are content to just drift though with no real direction guiding them to where they want to be.
Keep doing what you've been doing MC, and you will keep getting what you have been getting. If you ever want shit to change, your gonna have to get up and do something to make it happen, or else it never will. If your trying to stay depressed and lonely, stay on the path you are on. Its done wonders for you already.
Well then I guess I'll just settle on being a single virgin for life. I've made it 20 years without sex. Made through teenage puberty and freshman year of college. I can go until I die. I just wish girls thought the same way I do about relationships.
Your negativity and willingness to just accept that you'll be miserable forever is insane man. You know you're only in that position because you keep convincing yourself you can't do better. Just get out there. You don't have anything to lose. If a chick says no, shit there's 7 billion people on Earth right? Odds are one of them is bound to like you.
yeah the "random girl" thing threw me off. Does MC not know how dating works
Keeping it 100: that girl in the pic is beneath him. She's lucky to have someone as interesting as MC around to make her life less boring. If she can't see that then it's her loss. Always seek out people that appreciate you
A lot of times though people like that don't came till later on though after there "college do whatever the fuck they want phase"
Also why the fuck do y'all care so much about MC and FF's sex/love lives, or otherwise complete lack thereof.
FF is just a really awkward motherfucker and extremely beta but can still see the light.
MC is basically a self proclaimed loser who has accepted his fate and refuses to help himself or better himself. Why waste time putting in your 2 cents on someone who doesn't even give a shit about himself? Moving on.
Y'all need to go make some money and get some pussy. Care way too much about niggas on the internet.
>why ya all chime In about their lives so much
> chimes in on their lives
Barely. Commented on their character. Meanwhile y'all been having a congressional debate for like 10 pages on this shit.
shoulda been doing oxy instead
I tell you hwhat
Great movie.
"There's something wrong with her underpants."
"Yeah, they're not in my mouth."
Virgin unity, eh?
I'm not sure what we are supposed to discuss here anymore. Most of what I've contributed was trying to help out, so 0. IMO, It would be a huge win on MUs behalf if we band together to help our fellows achieve gush
My god MC, you're one sad sorry sack. Man the fuck up.
Your apathy isnt going to help you nor will it help your depression go away. You know what you really want but are either in denial about or too big of a puss to go out and get it. Set some damn goals for yourself dude. Put some work in, lose 20 lbs. Clean your diet up and lift a weight or two. Take some jui jitsu classes. Go out and do something.... anything. The perfect girl for you (if their is such a thing) isnt gonna fall into you lap while you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. And even if she did, what would she find? You've got to have a life before you can even think about sharing it with someone else. People are capable of amazing things if they set themselves to it, yet some people are afraid really put effort into anything, yet bitch about their life as they are content to just drift though with no real direction guiding them to where they want to be.
Keep doing what you've been doing MC, and you will keep getting what you have been getting. If you ever want shit to change, your gonna have to get up and do something to make it happen, or else it never will. If your trying to stay depressed and lonely, stay on the path you are on. Its done wonders for you already.
Your negativity and willingness to just accept that you'll be miserable forever is insane man. You know you're only in that position because you keep convincing yourself you can't do better. Just get out there. You don't have anything to lose. If a chick says no, shit there's 7 billion people on Earth right? Odds are one of them is bound to like you.
Giving MC a lil pep talk got me all fired up lol. Im fucking wired now.