Nah I agree, the gameplay is probably gonna suck. I'm just messin'.
Still prolly gonna pick this up, granted its not going for that much moneys. Still wanna pick up Postal too (well Postal 2... on Steam).
Sorry lol this shit just gets me irate. I dont mind offensive shit in games, but gameplay should be #1 priority. Offensive themes shouldn't be the selling point of your game. Have some pride in your work lol.
Dat intention doe. People make "dumb" games like goat simulator every day. Some get popular, some dont. So its safe to say that the people (or person?) that made goat simulator made it in earnest because they thought it was funny.
That Hatred game got covered by Kotaku and Polygon now, causing more shit storm.
One comment stuck out to me though said something along the lines of: "I don't like the idea of this game. I didn't even like Payday because you had to kill cops. Looking forward to GTA V though" :-?
Payday and GTA are basically the same in terms of killing cops/innocence violence :-?
Downloaded My Singing Monsters for my Vita. Game is so sick. Its like there is nothing to do, but there is always something to do lol don't know how to explain it. Its fun as fuck. Def worth checking out @MetalCrusades@LilDevil2468
also, I bought Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines over the summer, but never really played it. Looked into it some today, and heard that the Steam version is buggy. So I downloaded the necessary patches, changed some info in the game files, and even downloaded a mod. All set to start playing that soon.
got my free copy of Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000 sent to me today from GoG. It runs off a GoG client which installed with it, which Im not big on. But it runs in the background when I launch the game, unlike a Steam which opens first. So its a little weird. Sorta seems like its more of a server. Regardless I synced it with Steam so I can launch it from there.
They're adding John Wick into the game as a new playable character and introducing the new class Hitman.
They they're releasing the #FreeHoxton mission at the end of the week, which gives the Hoxton from Payday 1 as a playable character and a new class: The Fugitive.
And they're going to announce and release a female playable character and new class soon too.
Watched some videos of girls getting jealous that their boyfriends are spending time playing video games and not having sex with them, and then smashing their tvs/computers/games/deleting characters/ect.
Fuck that. I'd get so irate. I'd dump them on the spot, kick them out of my fucking house, and make them buy me a new one.
And the comments on Youtube make me irate too "hurr durr this is why I quick video games. Now I have a gf and a job". Because all gamers are lazy sacks of shit? Ok. Go fuck yourself non-gamers.
Fuck those videos make you as irate as when Todd watches 9/11 videos )
Some people are just ignint. Maybe he's playing videogames more than hanging out with you because you're a cunt and he doesn't put the pussy on a pedestal.
Hatred seems like a cash grab cuz edgy.
One comment stuck out to me though said something along the lines of: "I don't like the idea of this game. I didn't even like Payday because you had to kill cops. Looking forward to GTA V though" :-?
Payday and GTA are basically the same in terms of killing cops/innocence violence :-?
Payday 1 and all DLC are 90% off on Steam, Payday 2 and all DLC are 75% off on Steam. #FreeHoxton coming soon \m/
This looks like Goat Simulator and Octodad had a bread baby delivered by the Surgeon Simulator guys.
death mode is some buuuullllllllllllshit
They're adding John Wick into the game as a new playable character and introducing the new class Hitman.
They they're releasing the #FreeHoxton mission at the end of the week, which gives the Hoxton from Payday 1 as a playable character and a new class: The Fugitive.
And they're going to announce and release a female playable character and new class soon too.
My Payday group is going to need more people.
Fuck that. I'd get so irate. I'd dump them on the spot, kick them out of my fucking house, and make them buy me a new one.
And the comments on Youtube make me irate too "hurr durr this is why I quick video games. Now I have a gf and a job". Because all gamers are lazy sacks of shit? Ok. Go fuck yourself non-gamers.