Pretty sure its just lonely dudes being mad that someone else got laid and they cant.
Seriously though, most of the "journalists" aren't legit anyway as far as credentials and trading go. It mostly fanboys with a blog who got hired to blog for someone else. Its not like these people are Dan Rathers and Company.
Isn't that the point of the Journalistic integrity aspect of GamerGate though? To try and change these journalists from accepting bribes and giving reviews that don't really equate to the game quality?
You can try, but your gonna lose out to those who play the game because you wont get the same content and access to information. Any niche journalism is gonna have the same problem, politics, video games, music, sports etc. You just cant bite the hand that feeds you and still get your belly full.
Did you guys read the original post that started it? Jesus fuck that dude needs to let it go. He wrote a fucking novel detailing every last thing that happened in their relationship.
I did however read this awesome conspiracy theory about how it's just another piece to the puzzle of getting /b/ shut down, and and how there's a mastermind behind it. This dude tied in gamergate with tumblr raids and the fappening, it was seriously convincing.
Agreed with Jobe. Just look at the amount of dicks all these reviewers suck calling Call of Duty the greatest game of the year all the fucking time because the support of that company is way to big to lose. Im sure if they ripped it a new one, Activision or whoever wouldn't be patting them on the back going "It's cool guys. No worries."
Ghosts actually got ripped pretty hard. Probably not by IGN, cause they suck dick. But the general consensus was that it sucked dick.
Big part art of the reason they abandoned most of the "new" stuff they were trying to do with it.
Agreed with Jobe. Just look at the amount of dicks all these reviewers suck calling Call of Duty the greatest game of the year all the fucking time because the support of that company is way to big to lose. Im sure if they ripped it a new one, Activision or whoever wouldn't be patting them on the back going "It's cool guys. No worries."
Ghosts actually got ripped pretty hard. Probably not by IGN, cause they suck dick. But the general consensus was that it sucked dick.
Big part art of the reason they abandoned most of the "new" stuff they were trying to do with it.
Forgot all about Ghosts. Admittedly, I'm being a bit biased because I haven't kept up with them for a while since Black Ops I think. All I remember was it usually got good reviews like all the damn time lol
You just have to go searching for reviews. Yeah the big companies aren't gonna shit on a big developer. Like idk how watchdogs didn't get a 3/10 from everyone, but if you do a quick google search you can usually find some trustworthy reviews. destiny got shit on a lot, even by a lot of big reviews, which I was very surprised about.
Ubisoft has become the new EA. Putting out shit games and touting that shitty ass uPlay client on all systems making everything from playing games to getting DLC needlessly complicated. I still have hopes for Far Cry 4 doe
Far Cry 3 was real good, so I will be getting 4. Prob gonna skip Unity because I really don't like the Assassin's Creed series. I think it's worst than what cod has become.
Seriously though, most of the "journalists" aren't legit anyway as far as credentials and trading go. It mostly fanboys with a blog who got hired to blog for someone else. Its not like these people are Dan Rathers and Company.
Good luck on the TL; part...
Big part art of the reason they abandoned most of the "new" stuff they were trying to do with it.