Sunset Overdrive looks like poo poo but everyone seems to be getting a hard on for it.
The gameplay mechanics are literally copied and pasted from Infamous. The why he skims across phone wires, flies/hovers and even how he slams enemies and the combat system. I know it is by the same company but fuck. I like the "contaminated energy" plot but I wish they went more original with the gameplay.
Sunset Overdrive looks like poo poo but everyone seems to be getting a hard on for it.
The gameplay mechanics are literally copied and pasted from Infamous. The why he skims across phone wires, flies/hovers and even how he slams enemies and the combat system. I know it is by the same company but fuck. I like the "contaminated energy" plot but I wish they went more original with the gameplay.
Its not the same company. Sunset Overdrive is by Insomniac, thats the company that makes Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance. inFAMOUS is by Sucker Punch, who also made Sly Cooper.
Fuck that 8 man Smash has me hype. Im gonna save up for a Wii U. Probably get it around holiday time. Gonna pick up Smash, Bayonetta, Mario Kart, and Hyrule Warriors too. And Kirby if there's a Wii U game, not sure if there is.
Beat New Game Plus. Was shocked at how easy the ending was. The hardest part on this entire playthru was when you first enter Strange Tower and Dr. Strange is on the monitor tellin Batman he's the reason criminals exist and he sends in that big ass squad of thugs. It was so fucking frustrating cause you literally NEED combo attacks to beat em and my combo kept getting broken cause there was 3 armored motherfuckers, 2 dudes wit the electric rods, and one who had a shield. Took like 8 tries but other than that, nothing was too frustrating for "Hard" mode.