Watch Dogs is fucking pretentious. All that hype for a shit game. The shooting and driving are dumbed down like hell compared to GTA V, and I thought GTA V was dumbed down from IV. Plus Watch Dogs isn't very compelling to tell the truth. Lol any game title with 'dogs' in it seems to suck, Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, etc.
Nah Iv had plenty of games for it...I'm just done buying shit games....and all the videos and reviews have proved to me the game isn't really all that great...I do wanna play it but why would I wanna pay 60 bucks for a game I could rent or wait a little while and play less...everyone I know says it didn't meat their expectations
Holy fuck Rockstar is GOAT. Apparently you can transfer your save file to the PS4 version, and not only does it work PS3 to PS4, but you'll be able to transfer it from 360 to PS4 as well! Definitely gonna cop now. ^:)^
damn niggs you been out of the loop....yeah it was basically a beta on last gen...they built the next gen from the ground up..she looks nice...between that and the new features and single player dlc I'm gonna get it as by then multiplayer heists will be out
That white PS4 is calling my name. I'm not huge in to FPS, but Destiny looks cool. Hopefully it's not just another over hyped disappointing game. New Zelda looks cool (need more footage though), Uncharted and The Order look cool to me, and so does Batman and the Remake of GTA 5.
So if Bloodborne is a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls. And Dark Souls are sequels to Demon's Souls... Doesn't that make Bloodborne a Dark Souls sequel?
@ marcthefallen you download the beta then? Seeing Destiny with a white ps4 in a bundle may get me to bite.
Yeah I played the Alpha beta. game was soooooooo good. It's like Halo/Borderlands and the live time events make the game different every 30 minutes or so. Can't wait to play in the beta in July when there are more people on.
Watch Dogs is fucking pretentious. All that hype for a shit game. The shooting and driving are dumbed down like hell compared to GTA V, and I thought GTA V was dumbed down from IV. Plus Watch Dogs isn't very compelling to tell the truth. Lol any game title with 'dogs' in it seems to suck, Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, etc.
Nah Iv had plenty of games for it...I'm just done buying shit games....and all the videos and reviews have proved to me the game isn't really all that great...I do wanna play it but why would I wanna pay 60 bucks for a game I could rent or wait a little while and play less...everyone I know says it didn't meat their expectations
C'mon now Johnny. :-|
Holy fuck Rockstar is GOAT. Apparently you can transfer your save file to the PS4 version, and not only does it work PS3 to PS4, but you'll be able to transfer it from 360 to PS4 as well! Definitely gonna cop now. ^:)^
damn niggs you been out of the loop....yeah it was basically a beta on last gen...they built the next gen from the ground up..she looks nice...between that and the new features and single player dlc I'm gonna get it as by then multiplayer heists will be out
That white PS4 is calling my name. I'm not huge in to FPS, but Destiny looks cool. Hopefully it's not just another over hyped disappointing game. New Zelda looks cool (need more footage though), Uncharted and The Order look cool to me, and so does Batman and the Remake of GTA 5.
It's far from it. I'm playing it right now and this game is fucking awesome.
So if Bloodborne is a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls. And Dark Souls are sequels to Demon's Souls... Doesn't that make Bloodborne a Dark Souls sequel?
Dark souls aren't sequels to Demon's Souls

@ marcthefallen you download the beta then? Seeing Destiny with a white ps4 in a bundle may get me to bite.
cot damn gamefly sucks....glad I only paid a dollar for the membership
Yeah I played the Alpha beta. game was soooooooo good. It's like Halo/Borderlands and the live time events make the game different every 30 minutes or so. Can't wait to play in the beta in July when there are more people on.
can't wait for destiny \m/
How many people here actually went and got the ufc game?
Enough for a weekend tourney?
Been busy..gonna get it in a couple weeks