Bought a ps4. Buying this gen months after it a out....I expected more than a handful of games out. I walked into gamestop like "the fucks this shit?" Never been a player of cod/battlefield but I bought battlefield 4 and watch dogs.
Is it? I picked it up last week but my work schedule has been so goddamn hectic, I haven't got a chance to play yet. What is it specifically? Weak story, laggy/shitty online? They change shit you liked from BF3? And did they finally fix that squad issue? Can you just enter the game with your fucking squad again? Sick of sending invites every time they throw me in a match on BF3.
never played the story mode but heard it's weak. They might have finally fixed it as it's been a couple months since I played it but there were just so many bugs...the sound wouldn't even load in right away 1/2 the time...they did adds beta for joining your squad before the match but last time I played it didn't work 100%'s been since like May since I played it but it was shit...both games were rushed last year. It's hard for me to get excited about the next call of duty cause of the futuristic elements but both games better have improved showings this year otherwise they might tank.
Shit I abandoned Call of Duty a while back because of the lack in quality. They were just pushing them out with no feeling and no effort just to make money. That's why I can't get hyped for Battlefield: Hardline. Like BF4 came out not too long ago and you are nowhere near the first person to tell me its shitty or glitchy. I feel like they're rushing to keep up with Call of Duty.
Feeling a strong desire to play Shadow of the Colossus again
battlefield 4 is trash
Game looked like trash.
was an incomplete was obviously rushed. So many glitches
don't like faggot mods power abusing and flagging my shit....its bullshit i cant flag back
Is it? I picked it up last week but my work schedule has been so goddamn hectic, I haven't got a chance to play yet. What is it specifically? Weak story, laggy/shitty online? They change shit you liked from BF3? And did they finally fix that squad issue? Can you just enter the game with your fucking squad again? Sick of sending invites every time they throw me in a match on BF3.
never played the story mode but heard it's weak. They might have finally fixed it as it's been a couple months since I played it but there were just so many bugs...the sound wouldn't even load in right away 1/2 the time...they did adds beta for joining your squad before the match but last time I played it didn't work 100%'s been since like May since I played it but it was shit...both games were rushed last year. It's hard for me to get excited about the next call of duty cause of the futuristic elements but both games better have improved showings this year otherwise they might tank.
Shit I abandoned Call of Duty a while back because of the lack in quality. They were just pushing them out with no feeling and no effort just to make money. That's why I can't get hyped for Battlefield: Hardline. Like BF4 came out not too long ago and you are nowhere near the first person to tell me its shitty or glitchy. I feel like they're rushing to keep up with Call of Duty.
Eh cod has always been better than battlefield to me but I have more friends that play it
Got to some mission driving tanks in bf4 and the game crashes every time, can't progress.
cause broken
my body is ready for destiny
want to play last of us again and don't have a ps3....Sony fucking hoeing me for cash like ubisoft
Get it for PS4.
That's the only system I own currently
thus I said, get it FOR PS4.