Dude the Future series was awesome. New villains. New heroes. New everything. All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault were a little weird. Fun but weird. The other four have been great.
Admittedly, Crack in Time was probably one of the most well executed games on Playstation in general but I just couldn't dig Tools of Destruction. Such a lame ass villain.
Yeah it sicks ass. I recently got into the series and I loved it. Finished Origins the other day. Seems like all the good shit is coming in 2015. Uncharted 3, Batman, Battlefront 3 etc.
Sony originally said Ground Zeroes would be $14.88 on sale right now but they have it at $18.68. They even went back and edited there blog post from yesterday with the $18 price tag. Smh, not buying it now.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I already posted about that, but yea. That was my only complaint. You can tell it's ported. It's not bad by any means, but it's only on par wit/slightly better than late last gen games like TLOU and GTA V.
Its not the awesome next level mind blowing game I was hoping for. I played launch night and haven't really felt the urge to play it again yet. I didn't play many missions yet and Im not that far into it yet but if Im being honest the open world feels like poverty gta but you can change the traffic lights.
yeah reviews have been lack luster...all iv heard is that campaign is poverty and the rest is filled with bugs...like how the trains stop dead in their tracks if you put something in front of them...I'm straight on paying a full 60 and getting hoed...I'll save that for EA
Admittedly, Crack in Time was probably one of the most well executed games on Playstation in general but I just couldn't dig Tools of Destruction. Such a lame ass villain.
Yeah it sicks ass. I recently got into the series and I loved it. Finished Origins the other day. Seems like all the good shit is coming in 2015. Uncharted 3, Batman, Battlefront 3 etc.
Sony originally said Ground Zeroes would be $14.88 on sale right now but they have it at $18.68. They even went back and edited there blog post from yesterday with the $18 price tag. Smh, not buying it now.
fuck keep going back and forth on buying watch dogs...don't wanna pay full price and can't get anyone on Craigslist to answer
just wait, ubisoft games always drop fast
Yeah I'm gonna wait a couple months probably be able to get it for 40....I'm just game deprived
Damn rex is poverty
Watch Dogs is more than worth $60. Solid 9-9.5/10.
Of course I'm biased and like it more simply cause it's in Chicago, but still a great game regardless.
@EpisodeElevator I assume you got it for ps4? Does shit look next gen or can you tell it was a cross gen game?
I already posted about that, but yea. That was my only complaint. You can tell it's ported. It's not bad by any means, but it's only on par wit/slightly better than late last gen games like TLOU and GTA V.
the online part where you hack someone and they have to find you is intense.
watch dogs was meh for me. Just another overhyped game by ubi.
ayyyy Watch_Farm. Try to stop someone from stealing your corn
yeah reviews have been lack luster...all iv heard is that campaign is poverty and the rest is filled with bugs...like how the trains stop dead in their tracks if you put something in front of them...I'm straight on paying a full 60 and getting hoed...I'll save that for EA
> buys ps4
> too poverty to buy any games for it