Yeah the gameplay they showed today looked cool. I'm kind of afraid that its gonna be another M.A.G. though and the game doesnt turn out working like they show
they showed a 2 minute cgi trailer...everytimevthay happens it's at least more then a year...fuck the reason there was a lack of quality games today is because it's going to be a while before a lot of the good ones are out
Microsoft definitely won for the rest of this year with the games coming out. Sony doe :O they are going to dominate 2015 with those exclusives coming out.
Lol nothing Microsoft showed was that's conference had the better games but there was a low point in the middle 45 minutes of it. MS whole show was a dud...hell most of the stuff they showed was multi platform...big whoop about 30 day exclusive content. I am still going to get a one because certain people I know only play shooters on xbox
Yeah the gameplay they showed today looked cool. I'm kind of afraid that its gonna be another M.A.G. though and the game doesnt turn out working like they show
I'm a little worried about that to. But with there being less hardware limitations I have confidence in this one.
Destiny beta for PS4 owners this weekend \m/
Gta V with new features...will prolly be the game it was supposed to be
Fuck dat batman
Dat far cry
Still no agent :-<
Was a shitty conference the middle hour but the beginning and end killed
Lol it's gonna be 2 years but yeah that was sweet
ms - entertaining
ea - turrible
ubi - didnt watch
sony - is ok
still leaning towards ps4
Bloodborne isn't going to be 2 years. The fuck are you smoking today?
they showed a 2 minute cgi trailer...everytimevthay happens it's at least more then a year...fuck the reason there was a lack of quality games today is because it's going to be a while before a lot of the good ones are out
Microsoft definitely won for the rest of this year with the games coming out. Sony doe :O they are going to dominate 2015 with those exclusives coming out.
Lol nothing Microsoft showed was that's conference had the better games but there was a low point in the middle 45 minutes of it. MS whole show was a dud...hell most of the stuff they showed was multi platform...big whoop about 30 day exclusive content. I am still going to get a one because certain people I know only play shooters on xbox
gonna be broke
Lol @ nba live