Played the ufc demo last night. Kinda on the edge if I want to buy it or wait till it gets discounted. Pace just isn't right, ground game sucks. Submission system is whack ...and the graphics just didn't seem as crisp as the videos. It is just a demo though
Beat up on john jones last night so I figured I'd use him today...was getting my bass kicked and caught Gus with a spinning elbow then knocked him out with an axe kick )
Beat up on john jones last night so I figured I'd use him today...was getting my bass kicked and caught Gus with a spinning elbow then knocked him out with an axe kick )
record that shit man lol. Having fun with the demo so far. A lot of stuff will probably fixed and patched on day 1.
Watch Dogs is CRACK. Played all day yesterday. City looks so on point. I blew a lot of time just cruising around. Only complaint is the graphics. Cause it seems like the PS4 version is just a ported version of the PS3/360 versions, so it's just a lil more shiny and refined. Really it's only equal to/slightly better than late last gen games like TLOU and GTA V. Can't wait to start seeing more games tailored specifically for next gen engines so we can start seeing their true graphical power.
Watch Dogs is CRACK. Played all day yesterday. City looks so on point. I blew a lot of time just cruising around. Only complaint is the graphics. Cause it seems like the PS4 version is just a ported version of the PS3/360 versions, so it's just a lil more shiny and refined. Really it's only equal to/slightly better than late last gen games like TLOU and GTA V. Can't wait to start seeing more games tailored specifically for next gen engines so we can start seeing their true graphical power.
Infamous: Second Son, while not being the most quality game, really shows what the PS4 is capable of graphics wise. Insane shit man.
Was really looking forward to this UFC game...
How many times did you play it? I'm probation 35-50 play in and each one it gets better...needs some work with patches but I think it's going to be good
Played the ufc demo last night. Kinda on the edge if I want to buy it or wait till it gets discounted. Pace just isn't right, ground game sucks. Submission system is whack ...and the graphics just didn't seem as crisp as the videos. It is just a demo though
Yeah still gonna buy it but fuck they need to ow it down
Beat up on john jones last night so I figured I'd use him today...was getting my bass kicked and caught Gus with a spinning elbow then knocked him out with an axe kick
game is fun but there is a lot of bullshit that needs tweaked.
Copped Watch Dogs. \m/
record that shit man lol. Having fun with the demo so far. A lot of stuff will probably fixed and patched on day 1.
@MarcTheFallen it records it for you doesn't it? Then you just gotta upload it or w/e?
Watch Dogs is CRACK. Played all day yesterday. City looks so on point. I blew a lot of time just cruising around. Only complaint is the graphics. Cause it seems like the PS4 version is just a ported version of the PS3/360 versions, so it's just a lil more shiny and refined. Really it's only equal to/slightly better than late last gen games like TLOU and GTA V. Can't wait to start seeing more games tailored specifically for next gen engines so we can start seeing their true graphical power.
Might pick it up today idk :-?
Nah gonna pass...I'll rent it when it's in Tcthe store
Infamous: Second Son, while not being the most quality game, really shows what the PS4 is capable of graphics wise. Insane shit man.
How many times did you play it? I'm probation 35-50 play in and each one it gets better...needs some work with patches but I think it's going to be good