Yeah cod always has the same spawn issues.....I literally spawned In front of a guy who was taking B last night....they also need to add more hardcore modes....I can't stand this core shit.... No fucking skill involved lol...hardcore domination plz [-O<
It honestly was just as bad when BO 2 came will get fixed with a patch....I believe they will be adding hardcore dom...either that or cap the's retarded they only put 4 hardcore modes In...if I get on and don't have any friends online I just get on BO2 lol
Hardcore matches suck ass because everyone fucking hides in a corner
Not in my experience...maybe in tdm but in objective based game modes it's not like that...Dom and cap the flag are awesome....I like that there is no radar unless someone gets a score streak...and you can't tell how many bullets are in your gun...and the fact that you have about 30% of the health so you rarely get hit markers with out killing the guy... I seriously hate hit markers
Im so sick of gamers on the internet getting hostile whenever you give them advice. Dude just lost me as a viewer because his TWO viewers flamed and bitched at me, and then blocked me for suggesting he replace potions with elixirs in Kingdom Hearts. WHO FIGHTS SEPHEROTH WITHOUT ELIXIRS?
Got Dolphin, a Gamecube/Wii emulator, working on my laptop. Meaning I can play some of my older favorite games on my TV along with the other emulators. Bought an Xbox 360 Controller for Windows yesterday so once that gets here I can actually play shit effectively. Tried playing Def Jam Fight for NY with the keyboard and shit was whack.
voting for VGAs up
I have to finish Bioshock: Infinite to pick between that and The Last of Us for GotY