I guess a few of the ps4s that were given either by contest or the company have been failing. A lot of bad HDMI out ports. Honestly im goimg to wait to decide which i get first
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
Yeah, its not a good sign with so few PS4 actually being out right now that so many are having different issues already.
What is kind of funny is that i'm reading topics over on the gamefaqs boards and people who are such sony fanboys are bashing on people who are posting links to other people having issues with the PS4 ). It sucks a lot that this is happening, but its funny that people are trying to rationalize with this being an okay thing right now.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Apparently it's the firmware update that's the problem and not the HDMI. So far just 8 out of 1000 of the PS4's given out have had a problem. That's not bad lol.
I'm skipping the midnight launch and will just pick mine up in the morning. I'm going to see Bad Granpa tonight and will pass a Best Buy on the way I'm curious to see what the line will look like.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
What is kind of funny is that i'm reading topics over on the gamefaqs boards and people who are such sony fanboys are bashing on people who are posting links to other people having issues with the PS4