Just sold a PS4 to a guy I knew from high school for $500. He waiting outside gamestop for them to open up at 12 in hopes to get one. While he was waiting he put on fb asking if anyone knew where he could get one. I sent him a message saying my "friend" had one but he was asking $500 for it... just so I didn't seem like a dick for charging him an extra $100 )
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Just told him I knew someone who had an unopened PS4 and was trying to sell it at $500. And that I didn't blame him if he didn't want to spend the extra $100 on it but I figured i'd let him know.
To him the "convenience" of me having one to sell right then and there was worth it to him to spend the extra $100 on it. Like I said i'm supplying a service here.
You don't sell bud at cost do you?
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
That's totally different...but is available on every corner...i get wanting to make a couple bucks.. But it's just greedy
The paat few years I've been buying tickets to a couple of shows I never planned on going to and selling the tickets for double. If someone is willing to pay that big of a price that's all on them they don't have to buy. This year I may buy the big country ticket that gets ten different country shows and make some bank selling them individually to these country butt fuckers that are willing to pay stupid prices to see this crap.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Also they have it on sale on amazon for $35 right now but I don't feel like waiting till tuesday to get it.
What is gay though is I can't play GTA 5 while I wait. :-q
You tink dis is a yoke?
I regret everything.
To him the "convenience" of me having one to sell right then and there was worth it to him to spend the extra $100 on it. Like I said i'm supplying a service here.
You don't sell bud at cost do you?
I however will not lose any sleep over this.