So far im loving the ps4 been playing Killzone Knack and Assassins creed alot. The speed of this system is great. Its probably as close to a PC for a console that you can get. In other new Fallout 4 getting unveiled in December \m/ \m/ \m/ =P~
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
Goddamn Marc sucks at his job. He should just turn in his badge right now. >tells everyone to get ps4 >says xbox one sucks >xbox one has the better launch >
Goddamn Marc sucks at his job. He should just turn in his badge right now. >tells everyone to get ps4 >says xbox one sucks >xbox one has the better launch >
Forza and DR3 which is only a timed exclusive. Aint that much impressive. Both consoles had shitty line ups.
Bioshock: Infinite ^:)^
1440p graphics \m/
I'd look it up myself but I hate using this tablet.
>tells everyone to get ps4
>says xbox one sucks
>xbox one has the better launch
But ma!