I just got back from his house and this is what happened... I drove up all the lights were off so I had it all planned out that I was gonna hide is MW2 game and break the last disc of Lost I burned for him. I open the door hes sitting there playing MW2 with his new controller I just walk up and shut off his xbox and he just looks at me not saying a word so I start going off on him. Telling him what he did was a scummy thing to do and I keep trying to tell myself that its only a battery pack but it was my fucking battery pack And all he cares about is himself and a whole bunch of other shit and I took out the white battery pack from my controller tossed it on the table telling him he can keep that. By the time I was done he was almost in tears.
And I forgot to spoil the end of Lost for him so I just sent him a text will all the major spoilers from the last episode. I gotta say i'm starting to feel a bit bad now (just the kind of guy I am) But I know I shouldn't.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I have said before that I know the battery packs don't cost that much but its the principle of all of it. He takes something off mine to trade in so he can get something new while replacing what was my 3 day old battery pack with a white charger pack thats 7 months old.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Annnnd to top it all off I forgot to mention that today is my birthday and he didn't wish me a happy birthday and pulled all this shit. If that gives me anymore right to be pissed off ha.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
And I forgot to spoil the end of Lost for him so I just sent him a text will all the major spoilers from the last episode. I gotta say i'm starting to feel a bit bad now (just the kind of guy I am) But I know I shouldn't.
Just that last line alone, you sir have won. A bit over the top, possibly, I have no clue how much a battery pack costs
NEW DEVIL MAY CRY GAME <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
It's a reboot but I'll play it.