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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    Xeno said:
    After many hours of the campaign, the open world never gets better. The actual main story levels are great. When they actually design a level it feels perfect, and like Halo. 

    But every aspect of the open world is just "go here, kill this guy, liberate this camp". After the 20th time doing it, I'm just like "can this be over now?" 

    Also, maybe Im in the minority here, but open world travelling isnt fun to me. I dont enjoy meandering through an empty open environment just going from objective to objective anyway. Open worlds are ass. 

    Getting the Wasp helps, as you can just fuck everything up quick from the air. But the side objectives are nothing more than tedious, boring padding. They could have halved the game, and focused more on the actually hand crafted level stuff shown in the main objectives, and it would have been perfect. The gunplay is near perfect, I just wish there were more guns. 

    It's a linear game that's pretending not to be, and its resulted in everything being streched out and empty
    Nah most people agree with you. I'll probably like it though
    I like Infinite, I just dont love it. There are moments where I'm like "THIS IS IT", but then other moments where Im like "Im bored, Ive been doing to same thing over and over for hours"
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  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    I have lizard brain. Repetition good
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Most people i know loved it. Im onlt really past the tutorial. I’ll probably get down more when there is co-op
    Co-op isnt coming for like another year
    Okay so I’ll wait till then
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Eh it's still super slow for me. 

    Also there's no personal rank, only the battle pass level - which is really stupid. They need to add personal rank and stats. I dont, and refuse, to pay for the battle pass. I dont care about the cosmetics, but I wish I had a personal rank to show some sort of progress for myself. 

    Also having the XP tied to challenges is awful, because people get so caught up in doing their challenges that they dont actually play the game. They ignore objectives, camp guns, dont care about actually playing the game. 

    The challenge swaps are super predatory too. Getting people to constantly spend money on the challenge swaps because people get challeneges for modes they dont like, or weapons they never use. Whole thing reeks of mobile game. 
    Nah because they’re not like COD challenges. COD challenges will be bullshit like “Get 100 longshots wit this weapon” and literally force you to camp like a faggot to get them.

    These were all jus natural gameplay oriented. Yesterday, in no particular order I got challenges like, win 1 game of CTF in PvP, win 1 ranked CTF game, win 4 ranked arena games, get 1 kill using a Needler, get 1 kill using a Mangler, get 2,000 cumulative score in Tactical Slayer, get 5,000 cumulative score in Fiesta, etc. So there was nothing that encourages you to play any specific way jus to get the challenges done, and most revolve around simply playing and winning different modes. I never had to go out of my way to get any specific challenge and I was naturally knocking them all out at a pretty fast pace simply by paying attention to the list. I only used one swap so far, which I got from the battle pass anyways, cause it was “Grapple to and hijack a vehicle 3 times.” Didn’t wanna wait on that one cause mfs don’t use vehicles that often and even when you run into one you also gotta hope you have the Grapplehook on you so I said fuck that lmao.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Lmao bruh Vanguard is so fucking bad. You really notice it when it’s right after an actually fire shooter like Halo. I finished my weekly challenges on Halo so I hopped over to Vanguard cause I remembered they still got max XP goin for everything so figured I would level some weapons. They wanted to get cute and add this Christmas bullshit but still ain’t patch shotguns or spawns. Wanna add elves and Krampus but I’m still getting thrown into halfway started games and barely getting games that are actually at the beginning. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Game is fucking horrendous and on top of that I been leveling the Combat Shotgun and it exposes how cheap this game really is. All you need to be “good” at this game is level that mf to level 50 at the least so you can put the right attachments on it and then you golden. Got it to 50 after struggling to level it and then boom I dropped 85 without even trying. Aiming barely required. And now that it’s maxed out at 70 I been effortlessly dominating. The meta is literally too meta. Shit is straight dogshit. But that’s exactly how Im’ma play until they patch this shit. Like a straight hoe. Cause I’m tired of getting smoked by it.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    CoDs always been ass. You're just now realizing it. Welcome to the light side. 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    CoD is Always ass when it first comes out. Give it a few months and it will be better.

    The champion hill mode is a lot of fun. First new mode
    CoD has done in a while. Other than that is just your basic CoD with newer maps. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I’m not playing the Infinite campaign till they put in co-op. Waiting for the “We’re sorry but due to technical difficulties co-op won’t be available until quarter 4 2022.”

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    edited December 2021
    Honestly, they way Infinite's campaign is designed, it's kinda better without  it. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    CoDs always been ass. You're just now realizing it. Welcome to the light side. 
    Naw, cause I don’t hate COD as a whole. And I still fucking love Cold War. But holy fuck there’s jus so much wrong wit Vanguard.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Idk what Microsoft was thinking making halo MP free 2 play and then enforcing cross play and not having a report system or anti cheat. 

    The state of the MP has become pretty boring and when its not, you are getting cheated lol
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    I still have not run into any cheaters in Halo 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    Hard to know for sure when theres no kill cam. Can only watch match replays. 

    They aren’t as bad as war zone used to be, but they are there. 

    I can deal with it but the lack of content has made it feel stale to me. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    It’s not a huge or consistent issue, but I’ve definitely run into some fishy ass shit on Infinite. Mainly getting one hit killed from a melee to the front wit full shields. It’s only sposed to OHKO from the back. 

    I’ve gotten 2 bursted by the BR too, when even wit perfect aim, it’s sposed to take 4 full bursts minimum to kill.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    It’s not a huge or consistent issue, but I’ve definitely run into some fishy ass shit on Infinite. Mainly getting one hit killed from a melee to the front wit full shields. It’s only sposed to OHKO from the back. 

    I’ve gotten 2 bursted by the BR too, when even wit perfect aim, it’s sposed to take 4 full bursts minimum to kill.
    2 bursts directly to the Head is a kill
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Xeno said:
    It’s not a huge or consistent issue, but I’ve definitely run into some fishy ass shit on Infinite. Mainly getting one hit killed from a melee to the front wit full shields. It’s only sposed to OHKO from the back. 

    I’ve gotten 2 bursted by the BR too, when even wit perfect aim, it’s sposed to take 4 full bursts minimum to kill.
    2 bursts directly to the Head is a kill
    Not on this game. When shields are active, head shots do no extra damage compared to body shots. So for a 2 burst kill to be realistic, the first burst would need to completely wipe out shields, which isn’t possible, whether it’s a head or body shot.
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    edited December 2021
    Anybody have a series s? LG sent me a hundo Xbox money when I bought my tv n i can use it in the Microsoft store to buy a console, controllers,or gamepass
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    Goddamn FOV makes a world of difference on Infinite. I had it maxed out on 120 cause that’s what I play on on COD, but it’s actually kinda detrimental having it that high on Halo. Put it down to 90 and immediately hit 65% accuracy first game lmao.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    I play at a universal 110 for every single game. Makes a huge difference when you get used to the uniformity. I try to have the sensativity as close to the same in every game I play too. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,011 jayfacer
    I play at a universal 110 for every single game. Makes a huge difference when you get used to the uniformity. I try to have the sensativity as close to the same in every game I play too. 
    Yea I tried the same at first, but they handle so fundamentally different, so it makes sense why the same settings wouldn’t work as well in both games, especially since you mainly hipfire in Halo. I’m so used to having the wider view, so that sucks, but I’m definitely way more accurate at 90.
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