Someone didn't watch his video lmao he doesn't have a problem with either for the most part, he said the labeling needed to be more specific because often times they'll remaster something and call it a remake implying there's new shit in it when there's not and vice versa.
Oh well i seem to remember him bitching about them.
And of course i didnt watch his video. I clearly stated im not going anywhere near that trash channel
Started Blood and Truth. This one does give me motion sickness so I can only play for a bit. It's cool so far. Had my first experience with vr brain after playing but it went away after 30 min.
Hard choice. Spider Man is more overall straight up video gamey fun, but HZD has some of my all time favorite writing in gaming history and is better than a lot of movies.
Iv met MC and he was cool and id def hang again and throw back beers and get him to take an edible when he’s already wasted...
but his attitude towards cool stuff people like really reminds me of trump supporters. He doesn’t give a fuck what it is or how awesome the cool thing is, hes not changing his mind no matter what.
Iv met MC and he was cool and id def hang again and throw back beers and get him to take an edible when he’s already wasted...
but his attitude towards cool stuff people like really reminds me of trump supporters. He doesn’t give a fuck what it is or how awesome the cool thing is, hes not changing his mind no matter what.
Except blowjobs. So maybe theres hope.
I like MC there's just literally nothing else for me to really do here
*plays retro 2D side scroller like it's the absolute pinnacle of gaming*
2D side scrollers > 3D cinematic games
For the record. I have both HZD and Spider-Man. They're both ok. I havent finished either of them, and probably never will. But Im *mostly* trolling here.
leaning HZD
but his attitude towards cool stuff people like really reminds me of trump supporters. He doesn’t give a fuck what it is or how awesome the cool thing is, hes not changing his mind no matter what.
For the record. I have both HZD and Spider-Man. They're both ok. I havent finished either of them, and probably never will. But Im *mostly* trolling here.