I didn't love Uncharted 4 but I liked it. Uncharted series is one of my favorites ever. For me I just thought they focused too much on the climbing aspect it's like a solid 30% of the game where you're doing just that. The story was hella interesting for me and I absolutely loved Sam's character. Usually I hate reveals like that but they somehow made it work. I also think 4 had the best lore when you're out exploring for collectibles. And graphically, it's the best looking game I've ever seen. Didn't mind the stealth at all and I loved the ending. I hated Nadine though. You'll see why later. The fact that Sully, Nate and Elana are just as engaging as they were in the first game is a testament to how well those characters are written.
Okay hate it if you want but there's no way you're telling me it wasn't earned that's fucking ridiculous dawg lol
"Hate" is a strong word. It was an ok game. Like a 6 or 7/10. But I don't think the emotional element were earned at all. The sudden introduction of his brother was stupid. I didnt care about him. And any emotional response the game was trying to get from me regarding him fell flat. Sully "dying" in Uncharted 3 - that hit.
I have the same issue with Last of Us, tbh. Everyone says when Joel's daughter dies at the beginning, its so emotional, but I kinda feel more like "I dont give a shit? I havent been introduced to these characters long enough to feel anything for them. They havent given me a chance to become attached, so like, whatever?". Lee's death in The Walking Dead left me choked up. I felt nothing playing LoU, or Uncharted 4 because his brother was kind of an unlikable dick the entire time.
Nadine and Rafe were boring villains, especially compared to Eddie Raja and Lazarevic. I hated they tried to explain away Nate's origins, and I felt too much time was spent on it. It took away from the mysticism of the series, and revealing his actual identity was also dumb imo, coupled that with the lack of any supernatural element in the game (like the first three had), and it felt like they were hamfisting realism into the game where more mysticism and supernatural elements would have gone a long way. And I hated the ending, and did not give a single fuck about it, and the game should have ended when the adventure ended, and left out the time skip entirely. The game was wholely unmemorable compared to the first three. There's two action set pieces I distinctly remember, and its only because they were so fucking hard on Crushing mode (in part to the terrible and forced stealth mechanics).
So turns out the trucks with this company don't have APUs or hardwired power inverters, so I'm probably going to get a gaming laptop and a plug-in 400w inverter to serve my entertainment needs on the road
Pimp that shit out. With as much time as you will spend in the truck make it your home away from home. Get the power inverter, get a nice tv and sound system. Get a mattress topper and a my pillow lol. It’s amazing how many people won’t take care of them selves on the road because they are too cheap to invest in themselves.
I don't own the truck and I can be slipped into another one at any time if it breaks down. I'll definitely be investing in bed stuff but they don't allow power inverters that plug into the batteries yet, so won't be able to do anything the requires more that the 12v plug in inverter. Apparently my recruiter who is now a terminal manager is trying to convince the execs that allowing us to install our own power inverters on the battery will help drive up recruitment, so there is hope.
I can agree with alot of what you're saying, but for me I loved learning about Nate's past. I thought it was a natural fit for the game and I actually really loved the character of Sam Drake. Like I said, a twist like that I usually find retarded and unbelievable but they did such a good job I completely believed Sam would do something like that. Nadine sucked mongo dick. No argument with ya there the villains were very lack luster but this game was about the Drake brothers, not the villains. I don't think they were ever meant to be as integrated as Lazarovich or Margo were. I had no problem with the stealth I thought it was an okay mechanic, not great but okay. The supernatural shit was missed because that was an aspect of the series I always loved but I didn't mind not having it for one game. I loved the emotional ending. If one character deserved it, it was him and I thought they did a good job illustrating that in game. Ultimately, we sit at about the same rating for the game I didn't think it was a masterpiece either but it got alot right for my money.
Beat trover saves the universe. 8/10 Whole game had me going huehuehue. It's pretty easy. Didn't get any motion sickness like I do in other vr games. You can play it on the TV but it sucks that way.
Beat trover saves the universe. 8/10 Whole game had me going huehuehue. It's pretty easy. Didn't get any motion sickness like I do in other vr games. You can play it on the TV but it sucks that way.
YESSIRRRR. Game was a real fucking treat. Hope it gets a sequel. That was jus as charming of a VR platformer as Astro Bot imo, although obviously way more mature and raunchy lmao.
Someone didn't watch his video lmao he doesn't have a problem with either for the most part, he said the labeling needed to be more specific because often times they'll remaster something and call it a remake implying there's new shit in it when there's not and vice versa.
Someone didn't watch his video lmao he doesn't have a problem with either for the most part, he said the labeling needed to be more specific because often times they'll remaster something and call it a remake implying there's new shit in it when there's not and vice versa.
Yea, I buy remasters, and new ports all the time. I have multiple copies of so many games lol.
I have the same issue with Last of Us, tbh. Everyone says when Joel's daughter dies at the beginning, its so emotional, but I kinda feel more like "I dont give a shit? I havent been introduced to these characters long enough to feel anything for them. They havent given me a chance to become attached, so like, whatever?". Lee's death in The Walking Dead left me choked up. I felt nothing playing LoU, or Uncharted 4 because his brother was kind of an unlikable dick the entire time.
Nadine and Rafe were boring villains, especially compared to Eddie Raja and Lazarevic. I hated they tried to explain away Nate's origins, and I felt too much time was spent on it. It took away from the mysticism of the series, and revealing his actual identity was also dumb imo, coupled that with the lack of any supernatural element in the game (like the first three had), and it felt like they were hamfisting realism into the game where more mysticism and supernatural elements would have gone a long way. And I hated the ending, and did not give a single fuck about it, and the game should have ended when the adventure ended, and left out the time skip entirely. The game was wholely unmemorable compared to the first three. There's two action set pieces I distinctly remember, and its only because they were so fucking hard on Crushing mode (in part to the terrible and forced stealth mechanics).
Amy's writing and direction was certainly missed.
Also devil may cry 2 sure is something
Whole game had me going huehuehue. It's pretty easy.
Didn't get any motion sickness like I do in other vr games.
You can play it on the TV but it sucks that way.