Speaking of Pokemon. I'd like some honest criticisms for this if y'all don't mind. Me and my buddy started a new YT channel. Pretty much just trailer reactions for now but our new mic just came in so we're gonna start doing reviews and other shit. https://youtu.be/VuxirL_9rOk
There was 1.3K unread comments so didn’t read shit but anyone else on here NOT on the RDR2 hype train?
I’m very patient when it comes to games and a trophy hunter (Currently 46 Platinums) so I frequently spend 40-50+ hours on games so it’s not a matter of the game being too long or having ADD or anything like that.
But holy fuck is this game fucking SLOW. I’m like 10 hours deep and I still feel like I’m in the first 30 minutes of the intro. Hold A to follow somebody on yo horse. Rinse wash repeat.
They traded in fun for hyper realism and in my opinion it did NOT work in their favor. It looks gorgeous, it’s prolly as close to real life as you can get in a video game, and it shows the result of very tedious, dedicated, sleepless YEARS from the developers, and it’s very impressive....but the problem is real life is boring and tedious and we go to video games for the OPPOSITE of that. I’m sorry but I don’t think I can rock wit this shit.
I ain’t a basic COD faggot that needs guns blazing all the time (BioShock and Dishonored are 2 of my favorite series ever, both very calculated series that hit you wit more of a slow burn, and on top of that, Stealth is arguably my favorite genre.) but fuck this shit is Oregon Trail wit miles better graphics smh.
Nah, both y'all are crazy. I haven't been that invested in a video game in well over five years. Red Dead II reminded me of why I used to love video games.
I guess my thing with people who complain about all the extra shit is that you don't have to do it. You don't have to clean your weapons or groom your horse and it only has slight implications. The horse trailing is sometimes dull but you have the option to follow them back to camp when you're done and idk how someone isn't impressed by the level of detail and layers of these characters connecting like real people. I was floored most of the time. And the map actually has shit going on. The random encounters and side quests are rarely repetitive and offer you some pretty decent things to explore like treasure maps and what not.
It's a great game but it takes awhile to really get going. Spend lots of time with the people at camp, interact with them as much as possible. It will add a lot to the story down the road.
It is slow to build up but when you have world building like that it's just a top notch experience. There's a point where it spirals down ward and just never picks back up for them. It's outstanding how well it is. Could it have been a little tighter in a couple spots? Sure. But it was far from clunky.
Tbh I defend RDR2 to the death but it's not for everyone. If you're bored by westerns, it's gonna be boring, because it's essentially an interactive western. I'm all about immersion, and the game came out right when I was on a break from work, so I just smoked and played it constantly.
I’m very patient when it comes to games and a trophy hunter (Currently 46 Platinums) so I frequently spend 40-50+ hours on games so it’s not a matter of the game being too long or having ADD or anything like that.
But holy fuck is this game fucking SLOW. I’m like 10 hours deep and I still feel like I’m in the first 30 minutes of the intro. Hold A to follow somebody on yo horse. Rinse wash repeat.
They traded in fun for hyper realism and in my opinion it did NOT work in their favor. It looks gorgeous, it’s prolly as close to real life as you can get in a video game, and it shows the result of very tedious, dedicated, sleepless YEARS from the developers, and it’s very impressive....but the problem is real life is boring and tedious and we go to video games for the OPPOSITE of that. I’m sorry but I don’t think I can rock wit this shit.
I ain’t a basic COD faggot that needs guns blazing all the time (BioShock and Dishonored are 2 of my favorite series ever, both very calculated series that hit you wit more of a slow burn, and on top of that, Stealth is arguably my favorite genre.) but fuck this shit is Oregon Trail wit miles better graphics smh.