I remember months ago I went to see a movie and on their little thing they show before previews start while people are getting seated they had a big thing about sunset overdrive. I thought it looked like a turd with interesting weapons.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
And nah, Resistance is over. Ending sucked though.
Yeah I know. And they're getting a movie game (basically remastered/slightly redone and/or re tweak of the first game). The "ending" of R3 didn't suck. It left it open because they weren't done with the series. Then they got lazy. Still so many opportunities to do something with that franchise.
I remember months ago I went to see a movie and on their little thing they show before previews start while people are getting seated they had a big thing about sunset overdrive. I thought it looked like a turd with interesting weapons.
And nah, Resistance is over. Ending sucked though.
Yeah I know. And they're getting a movie game (basically remastered/slightly redone and/or re tweak of the first game). The "ending" of R3 didn't suck. It left it open because they weren't done with the series. Then they got lazy. Still so many opportunities to do something with that franchise.
Nah, 3 was supposed to be the last one. Ending blew.
Yeah R2 is one of my favorite PS3 exclusives. Game was damn near perfect. I have nothing against R&C for the most part. Future series was pretty damn cool. I just wish they would make another Resistance title that takes over 2 hours to beat *cough cough Burning Skies*
For me, it was. Great story, detailed graphics, action was top notch and the ending was a very nice twist. Also, online was fun as fuck before servers got shutdown.
also binding of isaac is pretty cool n addictive.
And nah, Resistance is over. Ending sucked though.
I remember months ago I went to see a movie and on their little thing they show before previews start while people are getting seated they had a big thing about sunset overdrive. I thought it looked like a turd with interesting weapons.
Nah, 3 was supposed to be the last one. Ending blew.