Update 1; smashed one in the car. We went back into the bar. She sat back at the table and thought whe was talking me down. Now I price myself on my pussy eating game. Black chiecs cam br lazy bed (back me up Erik and ed). So she went back to the table and I thought Sue was talking m down. I thought I ducked up kinda drunk anyway so I thought I just put on a bad performance. Long story short guess she was talking my dick game up because o just finished banging her friend °=))) these hitches grimey af bro
Update again didn't bang the third one bir she sucked me off which is like cool but I. Aso dried our from fucking twice she was essentially su c king to suck no way on getting a nut off
Yeah alive and well lol clearly had a bit to much and I'm cool with the bartender so I told her I was leaving the car there and called an Uber. First thing I did after that was go get my interior cleaned lmao
From what the one girl was saying they were rolling all night mix of x, Molly and some other miscellaneous pills I can't remember the name of but if its gonna keep then that randomly slutty more power to em