Thats not the point. The point is that roght the one she wants more than anything. You will never have happiness if you continue to live in the past. You have to live in the moment.
your friends must hate you. You’re a selfish fucking prick.
That kind of shit pisses me off. Iv had a lot of friends very similar in a way. Where they didnt want to do anything to help themselves. So it irritates me. I cut all those people out of my life pretty much and its been better ever since.
I just want him to realize that before all his friends do the same to him.
Jesus what a fucking dick. I've always wrote your weirdness about this shit off as just you being upset that you can't get laid and have a small dick but to have animosity for someone's happiness is pretty bogus. I think you just hold out hope someone else will get screwed so bad you'll have someone to cry with. You sound like a scared lil' boy. Good on ya, Rex. Go get laid and be happy.
FF, how dare you want advice on heathen women? Don't you know of their evil wizard impeding ways? Ha! Have fun banging someone that someone else has banged loser. When it all collapses around you, I'll be here to say I told you so and maybe we can even cry together. Now if you'll excuse me it's back to hentai and Babymetal.
While part of me wanted to play along with this, i'm a little to uncertain/frustrated about it. So idk man lol. Although it's a little different of a scenario that what has been in the past. It's not a mcfuck cause she still wants to see me, he'll i'll be at her place Sat/Sun.
The only thing I need to do to help myself is exactly what Ive been doing. Whether you see it or not, Im getting a loooot better.
You're not any better.
I am though. Sure my views on love and relationships havent changed, but I really am coming to terms with getting over being alone, and embracing that I really dont want a relationship right now. I was talking with a friend yesterday and I explained to him I need to find happiness on my own terms, and learn to be happy without feeling like I NEED to be with someone to achieve that. And in order to do that I need to completely cut myself off from women, and reject the idea of being with someone, because I've realized the rejection and failure is the stem of all my depression. So in order to get better as a whole, this one specific part of my life is going to need to get worse.
But in many other regards, my life is much better. Im working out a lot, and am in the best shape I've ever been in. Im eating better. My sleep schedule is normal again. I have more friends. My band is finally taking off, albeit slowly. I've cut the vast majority of the political shit that used to make me mad out of my life, and dont share any of it on social media anymore, and barely even follow it anymore. So yea, I am a lot better. Its just this one specific thing that people tend to focus on that isn't better. And thats why I want my friends to stop talking about it with me.
Am I happy Rex is happy? Yea. Thats not why I posted that shit though. I just dont want to see him get taken advantage of, like so many of my other friends have been lately.
The only thing I need to do to help myself is exactly what Ive been doing. Whether you see it or not, Im getting a loooot better.
You're not any better.
I am though. Sure my views on love and relationships havent changed, but I really am coming to terms with getting over being alone, and embracing that I really dont want a relationship right now. I was talking with a friend yesterday and I explained to him I need to find happiness on my own terms, and learn to be happy without feeling like I NEED to be with someone to achieve that. And in order to do that I need to completely cut myself off from women, and reject the idea of being with someone, because I've realized the rejection and failure is the stem of all my depression. So in order to get better as a whole, this one specific part of my life is going to need to get worse.
But in many other regards, my life is much better. Im working out a lot, and am in the best shape I've ever been in. Im eating better. My sleep schedule is normal again. I have more friends. My band is finally taking off, albeit slowly. I've cut the vast majority of the political shit that used to make me mad out of my life, and dont share any of it on social media anymore, and barely even follow it anymore. So yea, I am a lot better. Its just this one specific thing that people tend to focus on that isn't better. And thats why I want my friends to stop talking about it with me.
Am I happy Rex is happy? Yea. Thats not why I posted that shit though. I just dont want to see him get taken advantage of, like so many of my other friends have been lately.
The only thing I need to do to help myself is exactly what Ive been doing. Whether you see it or not, Im getting a loooot better.
You're not any better.
I am though. Sure my views on love and relationships havent changed, but I really am coming to terms with getting over being alone, and embracing that I really dont want a relationship right now. I was talking with a friend yesterday and I explained to him I need to find happiness on my own terms, and learn to be happy without feeling like I NEED to be with someone to achieve that. And in order to do that I need to completely cut myself off from women, and reject the idea of being with someone, because I've realized the rejection and failure is the stem of all my depression. So in order to get better as a whole, this one specific part of my life is going to need to get worse.
But in many other regards, my life is much better. Im working out a lot, and am in the best shape I've ever been in. Im eating better. My sleep schedule is normal again. I have more friends. My band is finally taking off, albeit slowly. I've cut the vast majority of the political shit that used to make me mad out of my life, and dont share any of it on social media anymore, and barely even follow it anymore. So yea, I am a lot better. Its just this one specific thing that people tend to focus on that isn't better. And thats why I want my friends to stop talking about it with me.
Am I happy Rex is happy? Yea. Thats not why I posted that shit though. I just dont want to see him get taken advantage of, like so many of my other friends have been lately.
The only thing I need to do to help myself is exactly what Ive been doing. Whether you see it or not, Im getting a loooot better.
You're not any better.
I am though. Sure my views on love and relationships havent changed, but I really am coming to terms with getting over being alone, and embracing that I really dont want a relationship right now.
By constantly crying about it and putting other people down for wanting that?
your friends must hate you. You’re a selfish fucking prick.
I just want him to realize that before all his friends do the same to him.
But my animosity towards your situation will never change. If she makes you happy, cool. I'll be here for you when it all goes down in flames.
But in many other regards, my life is much better. Im working out a lot, and am in the best shape I've ever been in. Im eating better. My sleep schedule is normal again. I have more friends. My band is finally taking off, albeit slowly. I've cut the vast majority of the political shit that used to make me mad out of my life, and dont share any of it on social media anymore, and barely even follow it anymore. So yea, I am a lot better. Its just this one specific thing that people tend to focus on that isn't better. And thats why I want my friends to stop talking about it with me.
Am I happy Rex is happy? Yea. Thats not why I posted that shit though. I just dont want to see him get taken advantage of, like so many of my other friends have been lately.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
you just don’t understand it because you ahvent partook. Its not all about the swapping of fluids. Its the pasion and the intimacy.
You literally do need it to live a completly happy, fulfilled life.