Fucking loled at this part. I could imagine him trying to be "into" feminism more than normal chicks are to try and get into their pants. "...basic that I like about them like they're feminist or vegan". Dude has issues. Like if a girl wasnt a feminist that would be a turn off to him, as if feminism isn't about women anyways.
If I had confided in some (relative) stranger online about seeking out hookers, I’d be careful about pissing that stranger off
When all that shit first went down, I almost screen capped the convo and sent it to his sister. Me being busy at work was all that stopped me, honestly lol
Dude lives in the sjw capital of the U.S. too. You mean to tell me he couldnt find ANY chicks that were just down to be fuck buddies, even on Tinder? Come on now. I tried it for a month, and realized girs are only on there to get laid. And he had the gall to call me a loser.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Doing the lord's work with this one. What a loser.
When all that shit first went down, I almost screen capped the convo and sent it to his sister. Me being busy at work was all that stopped me, honestly lol
Even when it's hilarious.
That was about as pure as gold can get
Yeah I'm trying to get my wife on board with this too.
"Even if I find a slut who is down, I'm gonna disapoint"
Every body scared to put some work in.