The only thing I need to do to help myself is exactly what Ive been doing. Whether you see it or not, Im getting a loooot better.
You're not any better.
I am though. Sure my views on love and relationships havent changed, but I really am coming to terms with getting over being alone, and embracing that I really dont want a relationship right now.
By constantly crying about it and putting other people down for wanting that?
I havent been crying about it as much lately. I made ONE comment about proving myself right to myself, and everything else has been memes. Im over it. Its not even a matter of not being able to find anyone anymore, I DONT WANT TO find anyone. Because I know THAT is the source of all my negativity. My animosity isnt towards Rex for trying to be happy, or even wanting a relationship. But towards how uncaring he is that she has a kid. That shit pisses me off.
While part of me wanted to play along with this, i'm a little to uncertain/frustrated about it. So idk man lol. Although it's a little different of a scenario that what has been in the past. It's not a mcfuck cause she still wants to see me, he'll i'll be at her place Sat/Sun.
Might as well just spill it since you've shared 50% of it, Will.
Why does it piss you off? It literally has no impact on your life and is none of your fucking business
I feel bad for Rex is all. She was with a man long enough she felt like she loved him enough to have a kid. And now Rex has to play the role of pseudo-dad by osmosis cuz hes dating the dumb bitch. And he doesnt care at all. Like stop thinking in the now, and think about the situation. And the fact he doesnt care at all about her past is infuriating. Like how can you NOT think about the other men shes been with when she has a kid in your face? Its a big sign sayimg "another dude came here"
Youre quest for poon isnt worth the heartache and frustration ahead. Imo.
Like she already expressed doubts. Shoulda taken that as a warning and bailed before she hurts you and pins you with a kid too.
so im really not a green day fan, at least there was a time i guess... but billie joe armstrongs side project played a 250 cap underground bar this past weekend and I have to say thats pretty fucking cool. hes hands down the biggest name to ever walk into that place, with the only others that come anywhere close to as big being chelsea wolfe and thurston moore (both of which sold out very fast and are much less known than BJA/green day)
honestly, had I remembered about it id have tried to get a ticket, bit it sold out in seconds lol.
Why does it piss you off? It literally has no impact on your life and is none of your fucking business
I feel bad for Rex is all. She was with a man long enough she felt like she loved him enough to have a kid. And now Rex has to play the role of pseudo-dad by osmosis cuz hes dating the dumb bitch. And he doesnt care at all. Like stop thinking in the now, and think about the situation. And the fact he doesnt care at all about her past is infuriating. Like how can you NOT think about the other men shes been with when she has a kid in your face? Its a big sign sayimg "another dude came here"
Youre quest for poon isnt worth the heartache and frustration ahead. Imo.
Like she already expressed doubts. Shoulda taken that as a warning and bailed before she hurts you and pins you with a kid too.
You dont feel bad for anyone. You just want a platform to voice your retarded virgin ideologies.
While part of me wanted to play along with this, i'm a little to uncertain/frustrated about it. So idk man lol. Although it's a little different of a scenario that what has been in the past. It's not a mcfuck cause she still wants to see me, he'll i'll be at her place Sat/Sun.
Might as well just spill it since you've shared 50% of it, Will.
Fine. Even though I'm sure i'll get the usual bs like i expected.
>met this girl two years back at a show, being introduced by a mutual friend >Turns out she used to be a publicist for two metal labels, and I had been emailing her about working shows for a solid 3 years at that point >Damn this girl is gorgeous >It was at that Contortionist/Revocation/Fallujah tour >Tampa date was also on valentine's day, and she works with/is good friends with the Revocation dudes, so partially like an idiot i decided to not be "that guy" and hit on her at a bar on this day >Talk a handful of times over FB/text, doesn't really go much farther than casual conversation >More or less lose touch for a solid year >Ran into her again at the Cattle Decap/Revo/Full of Hell/Art Brain tour >Hung out all show and all night after, it was chill >Went to Aura Fest in GA, as well as the Norma Jean and Harms Way tours in the span of a week >Go to stay at her apartment for 3 days because of shows happening in her area >First two nights nothing happens because I'm a bitch >Finally made move third night, surprised it worked at all >I'll take it >Over the next 3 months we went to Decibel fest, NEMAHF, and now Rockville >This girl is intelligent, gorgeous, loves the same music, works with it etc >Idk why she would even care to hang around me, but I'm not gonna argue it >Things get mildly serious >This is too good to be true? >It is, i think. >We have a conversation. We eventually come to agreeing in not making a commitment right now, as we're unsure of each of our circumstances that will lead through the year >I travel with work, and her lease is up in August. She hates FL (as do i), and is planning to move as soon as she finds a new/better job in the industry >We're keeping it open, no commitment, nothing changes. But for some reason still wants to see me >I understand and agree that it's essentially best for the time being >But as i said before, I'm kind of a bitch. And while i agree that it IS the most reasonable thing to do, i caught feelings. >I know she did as well, even if not as much. But she's definitely more of an "all business" type of person >TLDR; Getting some with a good friend who i am incredibly attracted to, but am somehow still not entirely satisfied >TTLDR; Am a bitch
They will slap any trendy label on porn for a click. That's about as real as all the videos claiming everybody is fucking some relation or step-relation of theirs.
While part of me wanted to play along with this, i'm a little to uncertain/frustrated about it. So idk man lol. Although it's a little different of a scenario that what has been in the past. It's not a mcfuck cause she still wants to see me, he'll i'll be at her place Sat/Sun.
Might as well just spill it since you've shared 50% of it, Will.
Fine. Even though I'm sure i'll get the usual bs like i expected.
>met this girl two years back at a show, being introduced by a mutual friend >Turns out she used to be a publicist for two metal labels, and I had been emailing her about working shows for a solid 3 years at that point >Damn this girl is gorgeous >It was at that Contortionist/Revocation/Fallujah tour >Tampa date was also on valentine's day, and she works with/is good friends with the Revocation dudes, so partially like an idiot i decided to not be "that guy" and hit on her at a bar on this day >Talk a handful of times over FB/text, doesn't really go much farther than casual conversation >More or less lose touch for a solid year >Ran into her again at the Cattle Decap/Revo/Full of Hell/Art Brain tour >Hung out all show and all night after, it was chill >Went to Aura Fest in GA, as well as the Norma Jean and Harms Way tours in the span of a week >Go to stay at her apartment for 3 days because of shows happening in her area >First two nights nothing happens because I'm a bitch >Finally made move third night, surprised it worked at all >I'll take it >Over the next 3 months we went to Decibel fest, NEMAHF, and now Rockville >This girl is intelligent, gorgeous, loves the same music, works with it etc >Idk why she would even care to hang around me, but I'm not gonna argue it >Things get mildly serious >This is too good to be true? >It is, i think. >We have a conversation. We eventually come to agreeing in not making a commitment right now, as we're unsure of each of our circumstances that will lead through the year >I travel with work, and her lease is up in August. She hates FL (as do i), and is planning to move as soon as she finds a new/better job in the industry >We're keeping it open, no commitment, nothing changes. But for some reason still wants to see me >I understand and agree that it's essentially best for the time being >But as i said before, I'm kind of a bitch. And while i agree that it IS the most reasonable thing to do, i caught feelings. >I know she did as well, even if not as much. But she's definitely more of an "all business" type of person >TLDR; Getting some with a good friend who i am incredibly attracted to, but am somehow still not entirely satisfied >TTLDR; Am a bitch
ITT: FF and Rex lose their virginity, but not Todd
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
you really fucking dont.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"You need more of it"
-Everyone here.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
and misery loves company, he wants others to feel as miserable as himself,
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Youre quest for poon isnt worth the heartache and frustration ahead. Imo.
Like she already expressed doubts. Shoulda taken that as a warning and bailed before she hurts you and pins you with a kid too.
honestly, had I remembered about it id have tried to get a ticket, bit it sold out in seconds lol.
>met this girl two years back at a show, being introduced by a mutual friend
>Turns out she used to be a publicist for two metal labels, and I had been emailing her about working shows for a solid 3 years at that point
>Damn this girl is gorgeous
>It was at that Contortionist/Revocation/Fallujah tour
>Tampa date was also on valentine's day, and she works with/is good friends with the Revocation dudes, so partially like an idiot i decided to not be "that guy" and hit on her at a bar on this day
>Talk a handful of times over FB/text, doesn't really go much farther than casual conversation
>More or less lose touch for a solid year
>Ran into her again at the Cattle Decap/Revo/Full of Hell/Art Brain tour
>Hung out all show and all night after, it was chill
>Went to Aura Fest in GA, as well as the Norma Jean and Harms Way tours in the span of a week
>Go to stay at her apartment for 3 days because of shows happening in her area
>First two nights nothing happens because I'm a bitch
>Finally made move third night, surprised it worked at all
>I'll take it
>Over the next 3 months we went to Decibel fest, NEMAHF, and now Rockville
>This girl is intelligent, gorgeous, loves the same music, works with it etc
>Idk why she would even care to hang around me, but I'm not gonna argue it
>Things get mildly serious
>This is too good to be true?
>It is, i think.
>We have a conversation. We eventually come to agreeing in not making a commitment right now, as we're unsure of each of our circumstances that will lead through the year
>I travel with work, and her lease is up in August. She hates FL (as do i), and is planning to move as soon as she finds a new/better job in the industry
>We're keeping it open, no commitment, nothing changes. But for some reason still wants to see me
>I understand and agree that it's essentially best for the time being
>But as i said before, I'm kind of a bitch. And while i agree that it IS the most reasonable thing to do, i caught feelings.
>I know she did as well, even if not as much. But she's definitely more of an "all business" type of person
>TLDR; Getting some with a good friend who i am incredibly attracted to, but am somehow still not entirely satisfied
>TTLDR; Am a bitch