Had to yell at my shitbag neighbor because they were still going past midnight. I'm pretty laid back with this stuff and love fireworks but everyone stopped around 11, I have to work at 5, they were shaking the house as I am all of 20 feet from their house. I ended up threatening them and they finally stopped around 12:20. Had me mad I'm still awake and still have to be up at 5 for work. Im going to be exhausted tomorrow after work and I dare them to say something to me at that point.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Yeah i just yelled at some asshole earlier tonight too. Was watching fireworks at my gf's aunts house and some idiots snuck onto the vacant lot next door and started lighting off a bunch of big shit. One must've tipped over and it shot onto the aunt's land and started 3 small fires in the bushes and grass.
So i go tear the guy a new one and all he could say was "it wasn't intentional" yeah no fucking shit moron that doesnt change the fact that you almost started a huge fire on someone's property.
It made me lol that she complained about her flip flops.
My my niece asked me to throw her in the air at the pool. She is 7. I asked how high. She said to the clouds. I held back a bit because of how dramatic she is yet she cried afterwards. I did throw her pretty high but come on my 3 year old laughs lol crazy.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
the empire must fall
Merrica day.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
going to be exhausted tomorrow after work and I dare them to say something to me at that point.
So i go tear the guy a new one and all he could say was "it wasn't intentional" yeah no fucking shit moron that doesnt change the fact that you almost started a huge fire on someone's property.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My my niece asked me to throw her in the air at the pool. She is 7. I asked how high. She said to the clouds. I held back a bit because of how dramatic she is yet she cried afterwards. I did throw her pretty high but come on my 3 year old laughs lol crazy.
They're jandals you fags
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
In aussie they call them Thongs
In NZ a Thong is a G String