>"stop generalizing. Millenials did nothing wrong" >"all baby boomers are bad"
Idk what that has to do with me specifically.
Saying "millenials are making things worse" is a redundant statement in itself because things were never great or perfect to begin with. Every generation has it's share of fucking idiots. It's as ignorant of a comparison as the rightist mongoloids saying that liberals and leftists are the same thing, which is bullshit.
Not at all, actually. I've just read a lot of dumb shit today. You gonna call me a "snowflake" now? Cause going with the "u irate/u mad bro?" retort is just as asinine of a thing to assume. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I suppose.
Off topic but i guess I'm gonna skip Metallica on Wednesday. I won that free ticket, but my cousin has been depressed as hell these last few months since my uncle/her dad died, and she's a big fan of all 3 bands playing, so I just gave it to her. I know I'll probably regret it later, but oh well. Not the end of the world.
I could go on about how useless most millenials are at the workplace, but it would fall on deaf ears because one of the biggest problems millenials have is with accountability. They're impenetrable. I get it though. They're a result of the decaying relationship between Merrcan workplace and the workforce. Nobody gives a shit about their employees anymore and the attitudes of millenials are a reflection of that. I just don't like working with them because they make my job harder
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Saying "millenials are making things worse" is a redundant statement in itself because things were never great or perfect to begin with. Every generation has it's share of fucking idiots. It's as ignorant of a comparison as the rightist mongoloids saying that liberals and leftists are the same thing, which is bullshit.
Hell, I know for damn fact that i outwork some of the guys who are twice my age there.