Good on you for deleting it UP I.hear what youre saying and it pisses you off but you gotta try and for.the kids sake....not.push their grandad away further. how much of an ass he is being My daughter never met my dad. I wish she did
Used to see him at least monthly. Mainly to drink beer and pick up weed from me.
Over the years my wife and I have been getting salty towards him cuz he never shows up for a birthday party, a Christmas program, or anything to do with his grandkids. So my wife told him what we were feeling in hopes that he would change for the better. She basically said, "We never see ya and would like to see you more often." But he took it the wrong way and now we never see him. Da fuq is up with that? If your daughter came to you and said, "Dad I want to see you more." Would you do the complete opposite?
It's in his hands to fix. He is the dad after all. My eldest (step)daughter has already written him off. My youngest will soon enough.
At least Nana took our words to heart and is trying to be a better grandma. She never did anything with the grandkids either until we complained,.. and now she stops by to chat with them and takes them to the movies. So at least that is something and she is trying.
But forget grandpa. Shameful tho.
Sorry,.. rant over.
My wife and I did it alone also...SUcks that my kids never knew grandparents. My wife is still burnt up about that til this day..My parents are dead..her's are alive...when mine were alive they didn't do much....Her's are hooked on pain pills or some shit...They are in Georgia..She fucking hates them for it..My wifes mother sucks..I bascially raised her daughter for her..I've been with my wife since she was 14....Fuck them losers..their loss
I also wear steel toes for work, and my feet don't look like death. That's trench foot from his shit being wet all day.
I.hear what youre saying and it pisses you off but you gotta try and for.the kids sake....not.push their grandad away further. how much of an ass he is being
My daughter never met my dad.
I wish she did
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)