@wakeofashes are you still in WA state? even if not, hows the cost of living and non-tech job opportunities in the seattle/vancouver suburbs? Im not looking to live right in any city as Im not down to pay stupid prices. commute is fine as long as its under and hour drive.
It's expensive man although since the housing bubble it might be more affordable. You could probably get a decent two bedroom apartment for 700-800/month an hour from Seattle though.
Ive never lived in Vancouver but I looked to move there. That's the sweet spot of living honestly... housing is much much cheaper. No state income tax, low car registration fees, donyoir shopping across the bridge in Portland and pay no sales tax.
Id highly recommend Vancouver over Seattle... that's just me though. Seattle has Seahawks and mariners though
@wakeofashes are you still in WA state? even if not, hows the cost of living and non-tech job opportunities in the seattle/vancouver suburbs? Im not looking to live right in any city as Im not down to pay stupid prices. commute is fine as long as its under and hour drive.
It's expensive man although since the housing bubble it might be more affordable. You could probably get a decent two bedroom apartment for 700-800/month an hour from Seattle though.
Ive never lived in Vancouver but I looked to move there. That's the sweet spot of living honestly... housing is much much cheaper. No state income tax, low car registration fees, donyoir shopping across the bridge in Portland and pay no sales tax.
Id highly recommend Vancouver over Seattle... that's just me though. Seattle has Seahawks and mariners though
vancouver is fine with me. ive only visited seattle once before but I liked it mostly for the total change of scenery. and id happily get a one bedroom place within a half hour of seattle if that were in the cards too.
im Rick Harrison this is my pawn shop. i low ball here with my old man and my son big hoss. everthing in here was practically stolen. one thing ive learned after 21 years is desperate gamblers and crackheads are going to walk through that door.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
vancouver is fine with me. ive only visited seattle once before but I liked it mostly for the total change of scenery. and id happily get a one bedroom place within a half hour of seattle if that were in the cards too.
Thing is Vancouver likely really sucks compared to Seattle, but Portland is separated by a river and its sweet. I'm only recommending Vancouver over Seattle due to it being cheaper to live there
and a 1 bedroom appartment isn't much cheaper than 2 bedroom. Best bet either way is to get a roommate and pay half.
duly noted. ill have a roommate in a two for sure. when you say really sucks compared to seattle... how so? like crime and sketchy stuff or just not as modern looking?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I've spent very little time in Vancouver. What I remember is it was boring. However downtown Portland is just like downtown Seattle, and it's right there. I'd guess when people in Vancouver are going out to a bar downtown, they drive to Portland. That's what I'd do. Good bands don't go to Vancouver to play, they go to Portland.
ive got mixed feelings on portland. the people living there are everything I fucking hate about full blown liberals and I hear the traffic is absolutely abhorrent. but they get amazing shows and im very down to check out some awesome craft breweries. having heard your input im now leaning more towards seattle but ill continue to research both.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Ive never lived in Vancouver but I looked to move there. That's the sweet spot of living honestly... housing is much much cheaper. No state income tax, low car registration fees, donyoir shopping across the bridge in Portland and pay no sales tax.
Id highly recommend Vancouver over Seattle... that's just me though. Seattle has Seahawks and mariners though
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
and a 1 bedroom appartment isn't much cheaper than 2 bedroom. Best bet either way is to get a roommate and pay half.