Tiny homes are fucking sick. Honestly my goal in life is to buy a lil piece of land, set up a tiny home, and make that shit as self sustainable as possible. Get my own water, energy, grow my own food. When you make them out of shipping containers it doesn't cost more than like $20,000, and that's if you start combining containers. A single container home is probably like 5,000 tops i think
Checked out Bowie's Blackstar and I actually really fuckin like this. The dark trippy vibe is right down my alley. "Girl Loves Me" is really fuckin good.
I'm by no means an expert on Bowie, but he's got a large catalogue and he's done some really cool stuff. I really like the album Station To Station. It might benefit you to go listen to some of the past greats to do it on their own like Bowie and Prince. Check out the artists that inspire the artists that inspire you, yknow.