Metal isn't dead. There's so much inspiring and exciting stuff happening in the underground. If it doesn't sell that's probably for the better.
) Hipster post of the year goes to...
I get why you say that but I don't see music as a getting money operation and most of the music I really enjoy is usually better when it's made without economic intentions. in its essence, metal isn't the kind of music that is made to be sold or attract. I'm not saying that it's bad when it happens tho
Metal isn't dead. There's so much inspiring and exciting stuff happening in the underground. If it doesn't sell that's probably for the better.
) Hipster post of the year goes to...
I get why you say that but I don't see music as a getting money operation and most of the music I really enjoy is usually better when it's made without economic intentions. in its essence, metal isn't the kind of music that is made to be sold or attract. I'm not saying that it's bad when it happens tho
I'm not sayin the point of music is to be baller rich and have millions. But you sayin it's "for the better" when a band makes so little they can barely afford to travel from tour stop to tour stop? I'm not lookin at this from a greedy artist perspective either. As far as my own music, when I say "make it", I don't mean Justin Bieber level and millions. I mean make it far enough to have a dedicated fanbase, underground or mainstream, to where I can make this my legitimate career and simply live comfortably off it. Don't gotta be rich. But if I was bustin my ass and still basically dead broke, that'd be extremely disheartening, regardless of the fact that I'm doin what I love.
If a band can't find a successfull tour it's because they don't have the draw in every market in the country. It's smarter to do local shows and build an established scene, and then do small destination festivals. Metal wasn't created as kind of music that was supposed to speak to a lot of people. It comes with the territory.
Every time I see a metal band quit because they're not making enough money, it's usually some shitty band that plays a fad style that dies out after a couple of years. The lifers play until they go deaf. Artists that love what they're doing don't need so much monetary reward to keep going
I refuse to believe linkin park would be above GnR
I Wow that is some good mixed with some extremely gay Shit. Fucking Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. I'd peep SOAD, Manowar, Deftones and Exodus. About it. Probably fake though because there's no way LOG is that low.
My only issue with Tyler is that he's heavily aping his heroes like Pharrell and Andre 3000 right now. He was much more interesting when he was pissed off
I never listened to those artists so I think his newer music is more enjoyable and pleasant, but I can see why you say that. He's not really covering any new territory.
I Wow that is some good mixed with some extremely gay Shit. Fucking Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. I'd peep SOAD, Manowar, Deftones and Exodus. About it. Probably fake though because there's no way LOG is that low.