Cubs win the world series, we have Hillary vs Trump for our election, Metallica is actually releasing an album, the world is divided as shit, Russia has a nuke powerful enough to destroy an entire country, the government are satanic illuminati cultists, and now the Magnetic field of the Earth is cracked allowing solar radiation to enter our atmosphere.
Cubs win the world series, we have Hillary vs Trump for our election, Metallica is actually releasing an album, the world is divided as shit, Russia has a nuke powerful enough to destroy an entire country, the government are satanic illuminati cultists, and now the Magnetic field of the Earth is cracked allowing solar radiation to enter our atmosphere.
The apocalypse is truly upon us.
cuz the Devil is on Earth
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
no update so I'm gonna guess either an abort or crash and burn.
Went weird. But yeah aborted. We were cool for a while and I got head in the parking lot of a movie theater which was tight but it all went to hell when I got introduced to her sister. Turns out I called her a lesbian mancunt in high school and she just never got over it. So her sister starts telling her I'm an asshole even though that exchange was like 6 years ago when I was a sophomore in high school and I apologized for it. She lets it get to her and starts bitching and moaning about dumb shit like me drinking and wanting to play music instead of school. Then tries to say I shouldn't get more tats because that's not what "proper" people do (I told her I have an appointment for another in February) so that all went to shit. I'm not going to lie, I didn't get laid and I'm still pretty desperate to but I ain't sacrificing everything I love doing for a person that means nothing to me. I live to get Mcfucked a different day. Fin.
Tl;Dr version. I was very turned off by a random chick I met at the bar acting like we were engaged and trying to tell me how to live my life even though we were just kind of kickin it.
See how this works?
The apocalypse is truly upon us.
Jus a small example from today.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Quote. .. "I got head in the parking lot...."
That's winning in my books
Should have at least got your PP suckled on
Lmao yall are a fuckin joke.