The crowd at the BFMV show was even worse than the band was. I won't complain about getting paid $60 to photograph a show, but good lord that shit was awful.
I never found Katt Williams funny, just annoying. Host of other funnier black comedians. Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Chapelle by a Fuck ton, Donald Glover etc.
Michael Ian Black is funny as fuck. His specail "very famous" had me rollin the whole time. Its on hulu. It starts off a little slow but it gets really good. I havent watched Mike Birbiglia in so long cuz I watched the shit out of everything of his on netflix so Im waiting for CC to give him a new special or aomething. Ive never really been to a comedy show before but I think there are a few coming to town that I might wann check out. Ive seen bullshit comedians do short sets betweems bands and stuff but I feel like going to a small club show would be pretty cool.
I never found Katt Williams funny, just annoying. Host of other funnier black comedians. Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Chapelle by a Fuck ton, Donald Glover etc.
Side note : I've never found woman to be funny stand up comics. It always seems to gravitate around specifically sex jokes or her talking about how much of a whore she is. Example: Amy Schumer fucking sucks. Would love some recommendations if y'all have any.
Redd Foxx.....
Tom Segura
Mike Birbiglia
Dave Chapelle
Maybe Hannibal Buress
Not in order. Those are just the first 5 that come to mind.