Lmao, Katt was arrested again. He threw an object and punched a pool store employee after some bs verbal altercation. He's in line with DMX at this point
Damn Dave was awesome. You could tell the oscars had him raspy. He finished his set and you could see his stage people waving him off and then he called out this 16 year old kid and did another 1/2 hour about rights and finished with a care bear joke that did look rehearsed but I'm sure he's done it before.
hannibal Buress opened.
They both did flint water jokes it was great ))))))))))
whats keeping you from trying marijuana, everything on this forum aside?
There's a lot of reasons.
Prominently: Its illegal. I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term. My family wouldnt approve, and thats a convo I dont want to have with them. Its expensive. I want to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink. It just doesnt really interest me.
Also, I already eat and play video games too much. The last thing I need is weed entering the equation.
I haven't smoked pot in probably close to 15 years. I am naturally a proponent of everyone trying it at least once in their life though. But I'd like to respond to your points in order
1. it's illegal - true, in some states. If you are traveling to a place it is legal, I expect you to try it because im going to destroy your other points.
2. No one has ever become addicted to weed. It's non-habit forming. People who smoke it a lot do so because they like it, not because they are dependent on it. Alcohol is addicting, so is cigs... Weed - nope
3. Your family has shown that they are not to be trusted on such topics in your life. That said, I bet if you told your mom you were thinknig about trying it she would probably say "Good! Maybe you will chill out a little with all your crazy sex shit that has warped your head" Look if you were my kid and in college you told me you wanted to try it, I'd be supportive. Hell I'd probably ask if you'd like to smoke it with me, and I dont even smoke weed!
4. Not more so than alcohol and you have no problems with that.
5. Okay, then quit alcohol since it has higher addition qualities, can lead to more legal problems (DUI, killing someone, etc), and could have serious health hazards (alcohol poisoning etc). Look I know I told you to try alcohol before, but I wasnt suggesting that you drink daily. Try donig things in moderation man.
6. It should interest you, because you have no clue what it is even like. I could understand not wanting to do something that could have really bad consequences,.... but Pot doesnt.
They did say that is possible to change at the last minute so maybe he brought someone with him.
hannibal Buress opened.
They both did flint water jokes it was great
friend linked this. new frank ocean??? http://www.audioclouds.net/index.php?a=track&id=286
they didnt even even sell out the last show there.
1. it's illegal - true, in some states. If you are traveling to a place it is legal, I expect you to try it because im going to destroy your other points.
2. No one has ever become addicted to weed. It's non-habit forming. People who smoke it a lot do so because they like it, not because they are dependent on it. Alcohol is addicting, so is cigs... Weed - nope
3. Your family has shown that they are not to be trusted on such topics in your life. That said, I bet if you told your mom you were thinknig about trying it she would probably say "Good! Maybe you will chill out a little with all your crazy sex shit that has warped your head" Look if you were my kid and in college you told me you wanted to try it, I'd be supportive. Hell I'd probably ask if you'd like to smoke it with me, and I dont even smoke weed!
4. Not more so than alcohol and you have no problems with that.
5. Okay, then quit alcohol since it has higher addition qualities, can lead to more legal problems (DUI, killing someone, etc), and could have serious health hazards (alcohol poisoning etc). Look I know I told you to try alcohol before, but I wasnt suggesting that you drink daily. Try donig things in moderation man.
6. It should interest you, because you have no clue what it is even like. I could understand not wanting to do something that could have really bad consequences,.... but Pot doesnt.
I dont drink daily. I dont even drink weekly. And Im usually DD when I do go out with friends, and keep it to like 3 beers.
> getting a foot today
> kymfs
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I see it now… u one day will sukk a cokk
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)