Things I noticed about the US, Part 3. 1. The nicer the hotel, the worse the internet service is (this actually applies to all countries) Any net geeks know why this is? 2. I never walk away from watching TV glad that I watched. Politics, malpractice and medical commercials. 3. Tons of gorgeous women in Florida! 4. Not sure what the purpose of "dabbing" is but it seems harmless enough 5. Spicy food is getting more popular (yes!). People used to look at me like I was a maniac if I asked for more hot sauce/peppers. 6. They still have yet to have perfected plastic surgery and yet so many women seem to want it. I can`t imagine a guy liking it though. 7. People seem to complain about America more than when I lived here, I`m not sure why, because it`s still pretty damn awesome in my opinion. I think the dynamic of the internet`s popularity and the old school media`s desperate failing attempts to get people away from their cell phones may have something to do with that. 8. My band and I LOVED every second of our tour and we will be back!!
While all the women are posting the kelly clarkson video on FB and saying it made them cry, I'm over here looking at the pic thinking "damn she got fat"
Just realized I've had Ape added on PSN for a long ass time and never knew it was him lol shortly after Marc added me I saw we had one mutual friend (this was before I added Jake) and I was like "Who the fuck can we have thats mutual?" Then it showed Lance and I remembered we had talked about PSN before. Then it hit me that Ape probably wasn't his real name and I linked it all together lol
Things I noticed about the US, Part 3.
1. The nicer the hotel, the worse the internet service is (this actually applies to all countries) Any net geeks know why this is?
2. I never walk away from watching TV glad that I watched. Politics, malpractice and medical commercials.
3. Tons of gorgeous women in Florida!
4. Not sure what the purpose of "dabbing" is but it seems harmless enough
5. Spicy food is getting more popular (yes!). People used to look at me like I was a maniac if I asked for more hot sauce/peppers.
6. They still have yet to have perfected plastic surgery and yet so many women seem to want it. I can`t imagine a guy liking it though.
7. People seem to complain about America more than when I lived here, I`m not sure why, because it`s still pretty damn awesome in my opinion. I think the dynamic of the internet`s popularity and the old school media`s desperate failing attempts to get people away from their cell phones may have something to do with that.
8. My band and I LOVED every second of our tour and we will be back!!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And I still felt uncomfortable.