Outside of romantic comedies, couples that accidentally have a baby almost never end up together happily ever after.
If you weren't thrown in your situation, would you be so confident that you'll be with dude the rest of life? I mean Wake might be saying a lot of shit right now but he was married for 12 years more than me. But 12 years ago would put me at 10 years old
I'm assuming this is directed at me rather a generalization.
I suppose I could just end it all now. Just kick him out with nowhere to go because people that accidentally get pregnant with someone never are happy together. Wake is totally right. Everything gets boring, dull, and all relationships are pointless. Might as well get it over with before we both go further down this rabbit hole. I don't even know why I've been debating this. The answer is obvious. End it all and get rid of the thing growing inside of me. All of it is a mistake
Divorce is just such an easy knee-jerk reaction now. Most couples don't want to work through things anymore. When the going gets tough, people bail. If you think you have it better than that, more power to ya. It's just rare now
Outside of romantic comedies, couples that accidentally have a baby almost never end up together happily ever after.
If you weren't thrown in your situation, would you be so confident that you'll be with dude the rest of life? I mean Wake might be saying a lot of shit right now but he was married for 12 years more than me. But 12 years ago would put me at 10 years old
I'm assuming this is directed at me rather a generalization.
I suppose I could just end it all now. Just kick him out with nowhere to go because people that accidentally get pregnant with someone never are happy together. Wake is totally right. Everything gets boring, dull, and all relationships are pointless. Might as well get it over with before we both go further down this rabbit hole. I don't even know why I've been debating this. The answer is obvious. End it all and get rid of the thing growing inside of me. All of it is a mistake
You're pregnant so I'll give you that, but overreaction much? I'm just saying you rolled up Wake on this high horse like you could tell him what he did wrong when it's a fact you accidentally got pregnant and it's a fact the deck is stacked against you. I don't have anything against you personally so I wish you nothing but the best and it would be great if you two were to sustain that type of long lasting relationship. But good luck because you'll need it.
Although this is spot on, I don't fault her for believing she will beat the statistics. I don't see how I could ever fault someone for being idealistic when they are young, especially when I was the exact way. I really do hope she beats the odds and proves me wrong though. Is it possible? Sure.
It's more her determination that you married for the wrong reason and that her situation is better. From 2008 to this time last year, I had a model relationship. Things happen. People change. We already know from previous posts Grimey has drinking problems. I dunno. I always hope for the best for people, and I like her idealism, but it's hard for me to have faith anymore that everything will be roses forever.
Outside of romantic comedies, couples that accidentally have a baby almost never end up together happily ever after.
If you weren't thrown in your situation, would you be so confident that you'll be with dude the rest of life? I mean Wake might be saying a lot of shit right now but he was married for 12 years more than me. But 12 years ago would put me at 10 years old
I'm assuming this is directed at me rather a generalization.
I suppose I could just end it all now. Just kick him out with nowhere to go because people that accidentally get pregnant with someone never are happy together. Wake is totally right. Everything gets boring, dull, and all relationships are pointless. Might as well get it over with before we both go further down this rabbit hole. I don't even know why I've been debating this. The answer is obvious. End it all and get rid of the thing growing inside of me. All of it is a mistake
Umm... I never said any issues I might have with my marriage was due to it being dull, boring, or pointless. I only said the reason I was talking with this crazy ex is because it interested me and was exciting. That doesn't mean my marriage is lacking those things.
I was also never suggesting that you shouldn't be hopeful or excited for your marriage or your baby. I think it's An exciting time in your life, and who knows maybe you will beat the statistics stacked against all marriages. Personally I think after 12 years of marriage myself that I did pretty well for myself. That's probably 5 years longer than most... Also I'm not getting divorced now or have any plans for it so who knows how long I'll make it. Probably not my death bed though and I'm okay with that
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I suppose I could just end it all now. Just kick him out with nowhere to go because people that accidentally get pregnant with someone never are happy together. Wake is totally right. Everything gets boring, dull, and all relationships are pointless. Might as well get it over with before we both go further down this rabbit hole. I don't even know why I've been debating this. The answer is obvious. End it all and get rid of the thing growing inside of me. All of it is a mistake
I was also never suggesting that you shouldn't be hopeful or excited for your marriage or your baby. I think it's An exciting time in your life, and who knows maybe you will beat the statistics stacked against all marriages. Personally I think after 12 years of marriage myself that I did pretty well for myself. That's probably 5 years longer than most... Also I'm not getting divorced now or have any plans for it so who knows how long I'll make it. Probably not my death bed though and I'm okay with that