1. are your boobs getting bigger? 2. Can you post a pic of them?
Yeah. They've gotten bigger. I have to go out and buy new bras at some point now. I'm sure some sort of picture will happen but it's not a priority atm
Going to call my ex again tonight. I don't know why I'm doing this and I know that nothing good will come of this. It has "bad idea" written all over it.... But yesterday's call was just so good, way better then I ever expected. It was a 3 hour chat like the last 2 decade gap didn't happen and it just felt like this is someone I've known my entire life
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
) it's funny because you guys don't even know the half of it. It's so much worse then just talking to some random ex. This girl is like playing with dynamite. There is no question of if it is going to blow up in my face, Only question is when... Last time it involved her calling the police and taking me to court ) this time I feel it will be worse. But you know what? I don't think I really care. Sometimes in life it's good to take paths that aren't what you are supposed to take. Right now I get up, shower, go to work, come home, masterbate, eat some shitty food, go to bed, and repeat. Blow my fucking brains out right now. I want more. I want to play with fire and see how bad this rabbit hole is going to be this time.
And no erik- this girl doesn't need my saving. Not even remotely close the situation. I'm not looking for a replacement wife, fuck that. Just looking for a new life experience which is different from the every day boring
Starting a count down to when wake falls in love with his ex and ditches his family
Ditching my family is something I'd never do. Id literally rather die then be a dead beat dad who never sees his kids. I know that pain, and that cycle stops with me...
but sure start the count down for me falling in love with my ex and leaving me wife for her \m/ probably won't happen though this is in the realm of possibilities. Or maybe she just divorces me because of it? Either way about the same end game
So I take it you and your wife don't have sex anymore and the whole thing has become boring? Sound like you married the wrong person lol
Nah I'm not sure I'd agree with this. Tell you what... You report back here in 12 years telling me your marriage and rasing this baby was peachy, and then maybe I'll admit that
To be truthly honest, I'm not sure I really believe in lifetime marriages. At some point in time you are going to be tired of their shit. Doesn't mean they were wrong for you when you got together... But maybe wrong for you now as time progressed and you both changed, perhaps it no longer makes sense. I don't think I really believe in falling in love with someone for the rest of your life. I believe in settling for someone, or being too lazy to do something about it, so you just stick it out because life suck with or without this person. He'll I'm not even saying I'm going down the route of not settling... Still married, maybe it will stay like that. Maybe not *shrug* I'm not going to really bother myself thinking about that topic because I'm not sure I really care either way at this moment
If that's how you feel then why the hell did you get married at all?
And idk if this place is going to exist in 12 years, but I'll tell you how things are then if it is. Also, that's the thing with loving and worth while relationships. They aren't easy. And raising a kid isn't easy either. Idk why you'd think that from what I said everything should be "peachy" or easy. It just seems to me you're bored with your wife as well as your to an exact routine life just by what you said.
Will you get tired of your other half's bs? Will they drive you insane? Sure. That doesn't mean the relationship should end. Just means you have to communicate and work on some shit. Same goes if either one of you get bored. But if you don't care you don't have to work on anything and just look elsewhere to kill the feeling of blandness and boredom in your life
As much as I'm down to sit back and watch Wake burn his life to the ground, there are other ways to break up monotony and routine. That's why I think it's important to keep persuing new skills and experiences. You have to keep trying new things that are difficult to avoid getting stuck in a rut. It seems unlikely that this crazy bitch is the answer to your problems. It's only exciting because it's new and different. A bjj class could do the same thing for you.
The older I get, the more I realize people are lying assholes that will fuck you over and be fine with it if the right set of circumstances present themselves. In life you're either useful or useless
I am way too fuckedd up to take in this heavy jobe shit. I like man I'm just hitting poon from everywhere and I'm trying to worry about life involvement shit like him wht am I thinking
I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship again. At least that's my thought process right now. It's a complete waste of time and has absolutely no allure to me.
I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship again. At least that's my thought process right now. It's a complete waste of time and has absolutely no allure to me.
But ull still troll around for dirty man ass though fhaggot
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
As much as I'm down to sit back and watch Wake burn his life to the ground, there are other ways to break up monotony and routine. That's why I think it's important to keep persuing new skills and experiences. You have to keep trying new things that are difficult to avoid getting stuck in a rut. It seems unlikely that this crazy bitch is the answer to your problems. It's only exciting because it's new and different. A bjj class could do the same thing for you.
All I'll say to this is that I fully understand what you are saying and I think it is excellent advise for some people. There are a lot of things I haven't mentioned about my life and my marriage on here because frankly there was no need. It's not like spilling my troubles here is going to be received with any sort of help, so I just continue on because I'm a big boy and can figure shit out on my own. If I really am uncertain on what direction to go with my life then I usually ask someone id trust that could relate. Satan for example is a good friend to bounce ideas off of.
But it just to be clear- I'm not seeking new people to break up the monotony. I in no way think this girl is the answer to any problems I might perceive I have. I don't think the grass is greener with her, and in fact I think my life would get more fucked up hanging out with her. Finally conversing with this women isn't going to impact anything with my marriage. The state of my marriage and the direction it will take in the future is probably out of my hands unless I want to take action and drive it a different direction. I'm not really sure what direction I'd want it to go, so my stance has been kinda "take no action". At present my marriage is fine, and it's not getting either worse or better. I'm not sure what I could do to make it better, sometimes I think that ship has sailed. Too little too late. To make it worse if prob have to file divorce papers but I have no plan on doing that. I'm fine with where it's at
Captain Save-A-Hoe incoming like...
And no erik- this girl doesn't need my saving. Not even remotely close the situation. I'm not looking for a replacement wife, fuck that. Just looking for a new life experience which is different from the every day boring
Ditching my family is something I'd never do. Id literally rather die then be a dead beat dad who never sees his kids. I know that pain, and that cycle stops with me...
but sure start the count down for me falling in love with my ex and leaving me wife for her \m/ probably won't happen though this is in the realm of possibilities. Or maybe she just divorces me because of it? Either way about the same end game
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
To be truthly honest, I'm not sure I really believe in lifetime marriages. At some point in time you are going to be tired of their shit. Doesn't mean they were wrong for you when you got together... But maybe wrong for you now as time progressed and you both changed, perhaps it no longer makes sense. I don't think I really believe in falling in love with someone for the rest of your life. I believe in settling for someone, or being too lazy to do something about it, so you just stick it out because life suck with or without this person. He'll I'm not even saying I'm going down the route of not settling... Still married, maybe it will stay like that. Maybe not *shrug* I'm not going to really bother myself thinking about that topic because I'm not sure I really care either way at this moment
And idk if this place is going to exist in 12 years, but I'll tell you how things are then if it is. Also, that's the thing with loving and worth while relationships. They aren't easy. And raising a kid isn't easy either. Idk why you'd think that from what I said everything should be "peachy" or easy. It just seems to me you're bored with your wife as well as your to an exact routine life just by what you said.
Will you get tired of your other half's bs? Will they drive you insane? Sure. That doesn't mean the relationship should end. Just means you have to communicate and work on some shit. Same goes if either one of you get bored. But if you don't care you don't have to work on anything and just look elsewhere to kill the feeling of blandness and boredom in your life
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
But it just to be clear- I'm not seeking new people to break up the monotony. I in no way think this girl is the answer to any problems I might perceive I have. I don't think the grass is greener with her, and in fact I think my life would get more fucked up hanging out with her. Finally conversing with this women isn't going to impact anything with my marriage. The state of my marriage and the direction it will take in the future is probably out of my hands unless I want to take action and drive it a different direction. I'm not really sure what direction I'd want it to go, so my stance has been kinda "take no action". At present my marriage is fine, and it's not getting either worse or better. I'm not sure what I could do to make it better, sometimes I think that ship has sailed. Too little too late. To make it worse if prob have to file divorce papers but I have no plan on doing that. I'm fine with where it's at