Sometimes I wonder if we are ever going to have another Nirvana or Beatles. Note, I'm not talking about the quality of the music (both are subpar) but I mean a band that takes hold of a generation and has a widespread impact on everything. Sometimes I feel that level of rock stardom just isnt possible anymore, however maybe we are still just waiting for that band to show up. It's interesting that both of those two bands ended in the death of their lead singer.
I think so. I think it's just hard to admit how rare those bands are. How many others have there been? The amount of music people buy isn't what matters, because we're talking about influence, not money. People can still be influenced in massive ways, and I'd argue it's even easier because music is so much more accessible now for everyone.
One thing, I think people usually fail to account for is the Internet. We can reach so many people or people can find diversity anywhere. The selection has grown, sales are more distributed into niche tastes and such. Had the Internet been around in the times of Elvis/Beatles/whatever huge band that was huge, they probably wouldn't have been as popular.
youre a terrible singer dude. You try wayyyyyy to hard. And your buddy doesn't even flow with the fucking beat