After wearing Tripp pants as part of my Halloween costume this past Oct, I just cannot fathom how these people can wear them out in broad fucking daylight and think they look cool. Good god they were embarrassing to wear even as part of a costume.
After wearing Tripp pants as part of my Halloween costume this past Oct, I just cannot fathom how these people can wear them out in broad fucking daylight and think they look cool. Good god they were embarrassing to wear even as part of a costume.
Paper Mall Goth. Erik might have to destroy another mother fucker.
fuck I'm screaming doe
I might say fuck the bitch.
And then go and fuck the bitch!
Interviewed black crown initiate, hung out with their drummer during ND's set, he got drunk and told me the Metal Alliance tour lineup.
Septic Flesh
The Faceless
Hate Eternal
Black Crown Initiate
Said there's one more band but he couldn't remember.