A decent school isnt gonna throw you to the wolves right from day one. I recommend bjj for him because as a guitar player he is better of starting a grappling art than a striking one, at least one that utilizes mostly the hands. I also think it could help him mentally and socially, give him more confidence and probably put him in contact with more musicians.
Quitting squares is the hardest fucking thing. I hate myself cause the first time I quit when I first started singing lessons, I was good for 11 months. Started again, quit after 2 months. Only lasted like a month. Quit again like 3 weeks ago but that lasted 4 days. Now cold turkey seems impossible even tho that's how I did it the first time after smoking like 3 years straight. Now when I try it puts me in the most miserable state. Depressed, drained, no energy for anything, chills, stomach aches. And I end up breaking, jus lit up. :-< It's my only vice and I hate it. It sucks cause I otherwise don't have an addictive personality. Syrup is the best feeling I've ever felt in my life and while I did it pretty regularly, every 2-4 weeks, (Haven't done it cause as I said, it doesn't affect me anymore and it's a waste of time and money now.) it never became something I needed or felt terrible without. Squares don't even do anything for me. Except now they're fucking wit my singing. Less endurance, harder to hit high notes, not as pure of a tone, etc. And my voice is everything to me. That's the only reason I even wanna quit in the first place.
Quitting squares is the hardest fucking thing. I hate myself cause the first time I quit when I first started singing lessons, I was good for 11 months. Started again, quit after 2 months. Only lasted like a month. Quit again like 3 weeks ago but that lasted 4 days. Now cold turkey seems impossible even tho that's how I did it the first time after smoking like 3 years straight. Now when I try it puts me in the most miserable state. Depressed, drained, no energy for anything, chills, stomach aches. And I end up breaking, jus lit up. :-< It's my only vice and I hate it. It sucks cause I otherwise don't have an addictive personality. Syrup is the best feeling I've ever felt in my life and while I did it pretty regularly, every 2-4 weeks, (Haven't done it cause as I said, it doesn't affect me anymore and it's a waste of time and money now.) it never became something I needed or felt terrible without. Squares don't even do anything for me. Except now they're fucking wit my singing. Less endurance, harder to hit high notes, not as pure of a tone, etc. And my voice is everything to me. That's the only reason I even wanna quit in the first place.
Cold turkey ain't going to work bro. Trust me. I tried that and 3 days I was done. I'm still smoking now but at its max I smoke two packs a week instead of a carton a week like I was smoke maybe 5 or 6 months ago. Thats how I started. Slowly weening myself. Less and less until I eventually quit. It ain't gonna happen overnight. I'm already feeling a mad awesome difference and I haven't even quit completely yet. Keep smoking instead of cold turkey but ween yourself slowly. Easier and it might take longer to build the habit back up (if god forbid you do) then going cold turkey. How many packs do you smoke a week?
My grandparents and aunts and uncles smoked. Took them forever to quit. They'd always tell me to never start. My uncle threatened to kick my ass if I started. So I didn't start. Saw how bad the habit was.
Since they've quit, its noticable how much better their health is. Especially my grandma.
It could be one of the best decisions you ever make.
white guy
"already showing no class"
i I think the kid is 14
even when i smoke one which is rarely i'm like well, this is dumb.
Since they've quit, its noticable how much better their health is. Especially my grandma.
I used to do karate growing up. I only made it to yellow and quit though :-|
I wish I stuck with it.
Did fencing for a couple months too. Fencing was kinda gay/not my thing. But I wish I switched over to some other melee weapon training.