I value others' happiness above mine. Not all others but like my group I definitely do. There has been times where I have been glad to sacrifice something I've wanted so they can be happy. When this shit just ain't a big deal to me, I'd rather make the people I love happy. I'm not some nut case who doesn't value my happiness. I can be a depressed mess sometimes. That shit comes in bursts and just veers out of my control. Sometimes I can conquer it but most of the time it surrounds my mind and I really can't think outside of a bleak future. But I'm taking steps to fix shit. My band is finally getting our shit on track. My weight has always been an issue and I've been making excuses to not do anything about it for a while. But I've been really motivated and I picked up a gym membership and started watching how and what I eat. Got an okay job for now. School still sucks and I'm finding it hard to get 100% motivated about that but honestly between my band and my health, school is on the back burner for a minute. Its weird because I pretty much understand everything MC says and Ive been down every road he describes. I just drink and smoke lol
What a load of bullshit. What do you want..someone else to fix you? Only you can do that. So stop being fucking cancer to yourself, get off your ass, and do something about your goddamn life. Jesus Christ stop being such a pussy about everything. Venting obviously does nothing for you either
Sometimes when I sit on the toilet and take a huge dump I always say in my head "decimate the weak!" Like the way Johnny says it at the beginning of the song ) )
I guess it depends. I've put certain people's happiness above mine, and I just forgot to worry about my own while I was trying to make them happy.
Fucking blows, man.
>we are not sex objects
>omg 50 shades of grey :x