Idk why but bands lile shitknot and disturbed I feel have better cross over appeal into real metal.. People who like stuff like bmth and tdwp I notice hardly ever cross over to bands like slayer and carcass..those girls just like playing emo sceney dress up they have no real interest in music where as at least the nu metal people I feel like did have a little more of that
Idk why but bands lile shitknot and disturbed I feel have better cross over appeal into real metal.. People who like stuff like bmth and tdwp I notice hardly ever cross over to bands like slayer and carcass..those girls just like playing emo sceney dress up they have no real interest in music where as at least the by metal people I feel like did have a little more of that
Yea most of those scene BMTH types usually end up going the way of dubstep and other trendy but "misunderstood" shit.
This is the song the girl sent me to check out what could possibly posses someone to think I would like that? i guess I have I take constant dicks written on my face or something
Fuck had to make a call to Hagerty insurance so we could get it set up to do our daily policy downloads. Well anyways they put me on hold and the song they had was the one we had playing for my grandma in the background when she died. Terrible way to start the day started crying in my office and shit.
This is the song the girl sent me to check out what could possibly posses someone to think I would like that? i guess I have I take constant dicks written on my face or something
This is the song the girl sent me to check out what could possibly posses someone to think I would like that? i guess I have I take constant dicks written on my face or something
What the fucking fuck?!
Seriously, girls and music these days is almost fucking hopeless :-<
This is the song the girl sent me to check out what could possibly posses someone to think I would like that? i guess I have I take constant dicks written on my face or something
What the fucking fuck?!
Seriously, girls and music these days is almost fucking hopeless :-<
We still on that? 4 years since I was into Metal but Hip Hop/RnB is still a "phase". Aight. Like I said, if anything, Metal was the phase, not the other way around.
i guess I have I take constant dicks written on my face or something
Funniest post you possibly ever made.
) Huge accomplishment for you. =D>