if you're gonna say it's boring that's whatever but you can't deny the influence they've had on music. And the "they're just like any pop band" argument is bull. Whether or not you think what they did on albums like revolver and sgt pep is revolutionary, no other pop band or boy band goes from "I wanna hold your hand" to the shit on the white album in 5 years.
See I still don't care. It was actually part of my prior comment that I'm not terribly interested in their development from ripping off black rock music to writing pseudo-psychedelic pop songs. And tbh I don't see too much development between 'I wanna hold your hand' and 'Lovely Rita'. Only 'A Day in the Life' is really beyond the typical verse-chorus-verse stuff on that album
I'll cede on influence, but I already kinda did on my "moms let their kids listen" comment. Everyone knows they're popular.
It's funny how this argument has turned into Beatle fans against me when I didn't even write the review. That dude has plenty more well thought out criticisms than I. I just happen to agree with him. This is starting to resemble arguments I have with people that wanna tell me Reagan was a great president
I don't really like The Beatles. I think they are tremendously overrated. But my dislike for a band never keeps me from seeing the influence the band had on people. The Beatles were huge. To pretend otherwise is just silly.
black sabbath put some dark ominous tones and old occult literature and threw it on some old blues riffs big whoop
What has any musician you listen to done for music?
>Implying you know everything that I listen to. I should put you and Slap in check for coming at me like that.
If you say so idrinkwine
i'm with Satan. Beatles suck.
if you're gonna say it's boring that's whatever but you can't deny the influence they've had on music. And the "they're just like any pop band" argument is bull. Whether or not you think what they did on albums like revolver and sgt pep is revolutionary, no other pop band or boy band goes from "I wanna hold your hand" to the shit on the white album in 5 years.
See I still don't care. It was actually part of my prior comment that I'm not terribly interested in their development from ripping off black rock music to writing pseudo-psychedelic pop songs. And tbh I don't see too much development between 'I wanna hold your hand' and 'Lovely Rita'. Only 'A Day in the Life' is really beyond the typical verse-chorus-verse stuff on that album
I'll cede on influence, but I already kinda did on my "moms let their kids listen" comment. Everyone knows they're popular.
It's funny how this argument has turned into Beatle fans against me when I didn't even write the review. That dude has plenty more well thought out criticisms than I. I just happen to agree with him. This is starting to resemble arguments I have with people that wanna tell me Reagan was a great president
Beatles > Ronald Reagan > radiohead
It's a shame Radiohead didn't start out like The Backstreet Boys. Had to settle for hipster tang instead
Dude that guy looks like he's 2 chromosomes short try 0 pussy.. Meanwhile Paul is on wilt chamberlain numbers
Always on Maiden's cock. Self-titled>Sgt. Peppers.
Good argument
I don't really like The Beatles. I think they are tremendously overrated. But my dislike for a band never keeps me from seeing the influence the band had on people. The Beatles were huge. To pretend otherwise is just silly.
We've already established that the Beatles influenced people. Doesnt change the fact that they suck.