I think every person should be able to see a psychiatrist if they want to. Life is tough man and a professional can really help. I haven't seen one since I was like 14 cause of insurance. Wish I could sometimes.
I went to one for like four sessions back in high school because I had anger problems. Got in a huge fight with my parents, almost went to fists with my dad. Thats when I decided I needed help for it. I've been under control of my anger ever since. Havent even thrown a controller.
But now, I just feel lost... I have no drive. Nothing to really work for. I feel like a failure. No band. No creative outlet. No audio job. No studio. I cant get that girl out of my fucking head even though I know I should move on. Today I admitted Im dreading going back to school because of how bored and lonely I get. All of my friends are here, and we all do stuff here, but at school I sit around alone, or game online with my friends here, and go to the occasional show.
I feel like Im just floating through the motions of life with no real fire.
Try and find some club at school. If it weren't for the fact that I did marching band, I'd have like 0 friends. And now I'm meeting other cool dudes through radio. Try and find some club, whether it's music, gaming, anime or whatever.
I have friends. But I dont do anything with them, outside of going to shows. My roommate from last year is who Id consider my best friend from college, but we even just chilled in our room and watched movies in our freetime. And hes not my roommate for next year.
9 months on the internet...might as well be in the basement of some old ass library.
Prob beat out Indiana jones by a day for postin it
Been ready since my dad used to tell me he was comin to the house to get me...He ain't show up.
Did it happen? Cuz I wanna see pics
Hope you like shattering glass mc
they did all 50 states in Legos
spot on
probably a good idea
I think every person should be able to see a psychiatrist if they want to. Life is tough man and a professional can really help. I haven't seen one since I was like 14 cause of insurance. Wish I could sometimes.
Go out and make friends at school
Try and find some club at school. If it weren't for the fact that I did marching band, I'd have like 0 friends. And now I'm meeting other cool dudes through radio. Try and find some club, whether it's music, gaming, anime or whatever.